anyone in England ?

I have to go there soon to pick up a scooter my hubby won on ebay. Ilkeston?
We love to go to Derby town centre. Is it called Westfield or something?
Beautiful areas around there!
Does anyone here belong to the Sussex Poultry Club? I would like to join it.
Karen and the Light Sussex in western PA, USA
Hi all, I posted this is thr breeds section and was directed here...

I apologise if I'm repeating old questions on here but I wanted to be sure!
Ok, firstly, this is kind of an introduction too, I'm not entirely new to this site as I have posted in the ducks section a few times as I have 6 beautiful runners but I'm really really taken with the idea of a few chickens.
At present, space is a bit of an issue so I can't go over the top with them. I have an eglu go.........I'm not after opinions on this as I know it's equally popular and unpopular with people but I got it at a very very good price and as soon as I move into a bigger garden.....hopefully in the next few months, I will have some more space. So I guess my questions are these; how many chickens can I keep in an eglu? It says 4 but there is no doubt that looks a little tight. I was hoping three but maybe it's only suitable for two? Im open to bantams although I want my chickens for eggs as well as for pets so the next question is this; what breeds do people recommend. I'm in the uk, it's pretty wet but temperatures tend to stay above freezing MOST of the time. I am after a breed that is as friendly as possible and tame, can free range with the runner ducks when I'm with them if possible, lays well and isn't too big. Are there any smaller non bantams or larger bantams?! As it will be my first chickens I also want something fairly hardy.

Thanks so much for any responses guys,

Wyandottes are a big bantam. I have some choc ones and they are fine with the rest. I also have lemon cuckoo pekins. They are friendly, funny and great to watch as they look like they are wearing frilly pants. Silkies are another good option.
If you want large fowl I recommend light sussex and warren. Welsummers are also great but don't give as many eggs and can be a bit skitty.
Thanks Suebgbr, so Sussex and warren are smaller 'large' fowl? I do like the look of Perkins, to be honest, I was thinking about rehousing a couple of ex battery girls.
Wyandottes are a big bantam. I have some choc ones and they are fine with the rest. I also have lemon cuckoo pekins. They are friendly, funny and great to watch as they look like they are wearing frilly pants. Silkies are another good option.
If you want large fowl I recommend light sussex and warren. Welsummers are also great but don't give as many eggs and can be a bit skitty.
Sorry, BYC is having a few problems, apparently!
I meant to type that light sussex and warren are normal size large fowl. My cockerels are the size of spaniels! You would prob get 2 in your eglu but they lay like crazy.
Ex batts are ok if you are experienced. They can have lots of health and social problems, such as 'what is grass'. People I know have the satisfaction and pride of bringing them back to good condition. It's up to you......
Right ok, mabe I will give the battery girls a miss for now then. I definately want something that will lay a lot of eggs, but I want them to have as much space as possible which is why I was thinking smaller hens. I am doing all the research I can and bovans nera are sounding like a good option too. I intend to let them out as much as possible but on the odd occasion that work gets in the way, would they be ok in the eglu and 2m run for a couple of days at a time? I get the impression that the eglu is meant as a permenant home (I appreciate this is more for a marketing purpose) but surely a coupe of days would be ok?
It's fine! A lot of my coops are the oblong ones with the ladders and the run underneath. They are made for the chickens to just use this space. I let mine out in the garden but in the storms just recently they stayed in and I don't worry. It's like a kid playing in the house all day or being taken to the park (in my opinion)

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