Anyone in WV???

Oh, I like yours too! I was actually talking about @monnarush
:) sorry for not being more clear.
Hi Pampered Chicken, I grew up near Moundsville WV, on a Dairy farm and Mom had a flock of approx 100 chickens as well. She sold eggs and butchered some for meat each fall.

I Love your story :) I met my husband in the same area he also grew up on a dairy farm, his Aunts dairy 5 miles from our farm but they did not have chickens. He is warming up to my chickens and loves watching when I let them out each morning. The other day he even referred to them as his chickens LOL. I guess he has accepted them:)
I worked in Moundsville a few times. While the penitentiary was there I was a 'guidance counselor' for incoming inmates helping them decide if they wanted to get their GED or learn a trade while there. And then later, I taught 7th/8th grade at Moundsville Jr. High. Are you still in that area then?
:) For the last 20 + years my husband and our family have been in Greenbrier Co. Southeastern WV. Husband worked at the Penn in 1979. Back forever ago the Penn was a working Farm near the fair grounds. I am not sure if they had chickens back then. My husband and I grew up there on Dairy Farms 5 miles apart, and Mom also raised Chickens for meat and eggs to sell. We almost never bought groceries at the store, except salt, flour ect. :)Husband got out of corrections in 2007 and now he and I are both not working, the last 8 years we worked for Davis-Stuart group home for teen boys level 1. They have a level 2 for teens residents in Lewisburg, a farm with cattle, rabbits, horses but as far as I know not any chickens. Maybe I will mentions it to them. They like donations I will check and see. My husband became disabled back in February after a major heart attack and surgery ect. We are enjoying our chickens and Grandkids now :) Have a wonderful Holiday!

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