Anyone know how to take care of these? ***SPIDER PICTURE ALERT***

I would much rather get bit by a widow than a recluse any day. I had no fear of spiders until I moved to florida and was introduced to the recluse. A girl who used to work where I work was bit by a recluse at work one day...she had to get blood transfusions and all and to this day she still has nerve damage.
You can kill spiders and still be pro spider. There's nothing wrong with killing recluses and widows in your home. But if they're in a field, I leave them be, because that's their home.
I do feel sorry for the widows, because the charges against them have been so ridiculously trumped up. Domestic dogs are the number one killer animal in America, but people's first reactions to them aren't "kill it!" The only animal allowed nowhere near my property are cats. I have never seen any creature wreak as much havoc as those awful things. I'll take oodles of black widows over one or two cats any day.
No offense, cat lovers, I'm not trying to incite any riots.
You're not inciting any riots with me. I live by the philosophy of to each his/her own. I should have added to my post that I only kill them inside. Outside I have no right to say who/what can live and who can't. It's their world, not mine.

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