Anyone preparing for Sandy?

Isn't the eye of the storm the calm part? When a hurricane blows in, we get hit with the front of the storm, then the eye passes over and there is a weird calm, then the back side of the hurricane comes in and whacks us, then it's over.
We are getting hit now! Yikes (It's pretty bad and scary
). It blew one of my chicken pens away and busted it
. The young chickens that were in it were luckily in another pen that was in the big pen, so we moved them and the outside ducks into the garage. Good luck with you all and be safe!
I moved our chicken tractors at the bottom of two ridges. Hopefully that blocks the wind. Then my father and I went out as the rain started and fixed a tarp on the heritage turkeys' pen. The wind could technically carry a pen away. And these are heavy pens. You need a dolly to move them.
As the O.P. did, I gave our goats and pigs more straw. I had hoped to have pigs that were nut-finished, but was afraid they'd not have enough calories with the constant rain and wind. They happily ate their grain. :(

You're supposed to have 3 gallons of water for each person. I believe we have that much (if you include the soda, juice, and milk). PPL usually services customers pretty quickly here in central PA. So we're figuring any outages to be no more than 2-3 days. I do hope we don't get 7-10! We have a well and all our animals are dependent on it. At least they will get water from the rain for the next few days. :p

If the power does go out, at least we have flashlights and plenty of candles and matches. :)
Well we weathered the storm and only lost 4 small pines. The new coop withstood the wind and all the birds have been given free access to the run this morning now that we only have rain and a slight breeze. Good luck to everyone else who is in Sandy's path!!!! It will probably be a few days until we have power but in the mean time we'll live on the generator.
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Well we weathered the storm and only lost 4 small pines. The new coop withstood the wind and all the birds have been given free access to the run this morning now that we only have rain and a slight breeze. Good luck to everyone else who is in Sandy's path!!!! It will probably be a few days until we have power but in the mean time we'll live on the generator.
Good to hear that you guys made it through ok. The wind picked up here last night and it gotten even colder, it just began to snow about 5 minutes ago, but I will take that any time over what the north east coast had.
We were fine here, never even lost power. We do have branches all over the yard, and a chair got picked up and moved, but that was about. The big pine I was worried about did lose a big branch, but it missed the goat's fence, so that was good. My grandmother lives about 10 minutes away and she had a huge tree fall on her house. It crushed her sunroom, her brand new deck, and obliterated her pagoda and breezeway before landing on the garage. My aunt and uncle have a summer house on Fenwick Island in Delaware and the water washed away their shed and the house is destroyed.
I am so glad ya'll are now able to report to us that you are safe and sound. I live in a hurricane prone area and am well aquainted with them. Homes, barns, fences, etc can be repaired or replaced. Your life cannot. I am watching the devastation on TV and it is all too familiar. Of course, the focus is on the most damaged areas, but damage occurs everywhere in the storm's path. A tree on the house is just as devastating to the owner of that house as waist deep water in towns hugging the coastline. But the flooding water makes for better TV. Believe me, I know. FEMA will be out in no time, then the lines for water, ice and MRE's will que up. Pile everyone in the car that you can, they give out supplies according to how many people are in the car. Even if you don't need the supplies yourself, go get them anyway because you will find someone worse off than you are and they will be so grateful to get the help.

When you can't watch the news on TV, it's because you ARE the news on TV!!
Glad you guys made it through ok. Up here in Michigan, We had pretty heavy wind all night.. I saw lots of dead fall trees that had fallen in the road on my way to work. We've had sleet, snow and rain mix all morning. We had a couple brief power outages but still have power.
Governor Christie is on TV now and said FEMA is setting up kitchens for food and will have water and supplies. Houston, Texas sent out 60 electric trucks to the east coast to help. They left 2 days ago.

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