Anyone want to get into shape this summer?

I have not been following this thread because I lost all the weight I wanted last year using Alli.

But I saw the discussion on sleeping problems and so had to chime in.

I too have a hard time sleeping on and off, some times pretty serious. I used to have to take a Benadryl or something else to help me sleep.

Now, I have been using Lavender pillow spray or a dab of Lavender essential oil on my temples before going to bed and I have not had any problem sleeping in about a month. Actually I cannot seem to get out of bed in the morning, thats how good I sleep now. Massage therapist said you can put the Essential oil on the bottom of your feet as it absorbs pretty fast from there into your system.
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I'm going to check into getting some lavendar oil. If it works it's worth a try. Some nights I sleep like a rock, others,,,like a new born baby,,,,not much at all.

Was alli easy and was the progress fast or slow? Just curious...
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I've lost 2 more pounds!!!


That's 6 total in 2 months, 4 to go to my first goal of 10!!!! All I'm doing is walking my dogs and NOT snacking so much. Plus lunch is something like yogurt or fruit.

I really didn't expect the scale to have nudged downward this morning!!
Alli was very easy for me. I started in September of last year. I know there are horror stories about people having very loose greasy stools and all kind of stuff like that but, the fact is, if you follow the rules, you wont have a problem.
I followed the rules for the first week and planned every meal. After a week, I had a feel for what I could eat so plannin was easier. For example, I had a bagel and cream cheese every morning for breakfast. Somewhere during the day, I often had to add butter or salad dressing into my meal just to get the recommended amount of fat into my diet.
Anyway, I started in September, and by Thanksgiving, I had lost 10lbs then I stayed off of the diet from Thanksgiving until the New Year holiday was over. Thing was, I went to Hawaii right after Thanksgiving, and who can diet over the holidays anyway? I was just careful, and ate the same as if I was ON the diet, but just didnt take the pills in case I messed up.
I started back up in January and stopped in March when I reached my goal of 20lbs. I still watch what I eat but do have days where I feel like Fast food or something like that.

It was not super fast weight loss, but then again, I didnt have a lot to lose, and they say you shouldnt lose weight too fast anyway. I was 160 at my heaviest, and now weigh about 144 which I had got down to 140 but that was a bit too much. I dropped 2 jean sizes and feel much better.

A typical eating day is Bagel & Cream Cheese, a boxed frozen meal for lunch, usually the higher fat ones, I need something around 12-15g of fat so Lean Cuisines are out, and whatever for supper, which is usually meat, 1/2 potato, and veggies.
I can't believe its not butter spray is my friend. I have learned I can have two pieces of Pizza hut pizza plain cheese in a meal and it fits in with the diet.

The biggest thing I think which worked for me is that I am making my own food, so teaching myself in the process and not buying prepackaged meals like Nutrisystem for example.

My coworker has been on Medifast since last year as well. She has to eat two meals a day with their food which is always a shake for breakfast and soup for lunch. She lost 30 lbs right off first two months (she needs to loose 100) but has not lost anything since.
My dad stole the scale and took it to his work pad in Toronto so I have no way to weigh myself! ... I think I've lost about 5 more lbs, as when I weighed myself at his Appartment I was at 249 rather than 255...

I'm on Meridia, and in the first month I lost 10lbs, occasionally I go off the medication to make sure I can still eat and not gain weight off it, so when I do go off it permanently I won't have any issues with regaining weight.
Wow! You all are doing great! I haven't checked in since the start of this thing, because that's when my chickens all got sick and started dying left and right on me. Well, everyone seems healthy now and I'm back on track. When I get stressed or worried, I eat, so those chickens weren't helping at all! I have now been roller blading 8 miles 3 to 4 times a week and have lost down a size and am toning up. I don't keep a scale here, because I become obsessed with my weight and it does more harm than good. My goal is to loose down 1 more size (two wouldn't be a bad thing either!) and I will be happy!
Haha, I can't go rollerblading although it sounds great, simply because my driveway is something like a mile long, and my road is all dirt! I live near the trails though, so I'm thinking hacking out on horseback if only we had our fencing finished so we could get a hrose!
I am so impressed with you guys who have lost weight!!!

I'm riding my bike to work four days a week now (72 miles a week). I haven't lost weight, but that's not why I'm doing it. Being on the bike trail and off the roads has reduced the tension I usually have in August here, with all the traffic from tourists. And I think my thigh muscles are a little firmer...
Haha, I can't go rollerblading although it sounds great, simply because my driveway is something like a mile long, and my road is all dirt! I live near the trails though, so I'm thinking hacking out on horseback if only we had our fencing finished so we could get a hrose!

I can't roller blade here either! I have to drive into town. They have a wonderful paved trail that runs alongside the Dan River. I am getting a two for one bonus when I roller blade there! I'm getting in shape and the scenery is lovely. My whole family goes. The kids all roller blade with my DH and I and I push my little DD in a jogging stroller. It's a lot of fun and the kids all look forward to doing it!

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