Anyone want to get into shape this summer?

rhettandsarahsmom, your post just scared me to tears. I'll be 33 next week. Heart disease, diabese, and many other health issues run in my family. Thank you thank you for your post. I'll just tell you all now, I need to loose a LOT!!!!
Wow, what a motivation. I was so fit in my early 20's. I'll get there though. I have to.

yotetrapper, close yourself in a room and blare the music and dance like a kid. It's fun,,,crazy feeling, but fun. Out doors, play games with kids(borrow a kid if needed), build another chicken coop, or play ball with a dog. Don't worry, these are my suggestion to myself. I need em!!!!
Thank all of you for doing this with me!!!
I'd love to be a "loser". We did it at school and had a prize for the biggest loser, we had all put 10 bucks in a pot and the winner got the pot. How about losing it for a mug or t shirt or something? I lost 54 pounds this year, but it was due to my Dr. Figuring out I couldn't process protein and fat anymore, she put me on 5 grams of fat or less per meal and 20 for the day and red meat once a week, and the pounds fell off! Now I need to work the rest off and walk. How about pedometer's and we have a forum where we post how far we walk per week?
tip for water haters..........try K20. Has 5 grams of protein and 5 of fiber. Makes water taste pretty good.

OR keep a bottle of water in the fridge, every time you want to open it to look for food take a drink.

Ask yourself---am I really hungry or bored/sad/angry?

ever heard of those "green bags" to keep fruit and vegies fresher longer? They work!!!!!!! Get some, got mine at bed bath and beyond. Walmart may have them.

Remember to reward yourself and forgive yourself.
I'm definitely in! I could use something like this to keep me motivated... Just last year, I was 20 lbs. less than I am now but my parents divorce kicked my butt and learning to live on my own really made me eat crap I wasn't used to.

I can be a health freak so I need to get back into that mind frame.

Time to get back on track
I'm in too! Only I'm getting ready to go on a trip but I'll be visiting my mom and will still be able to log on. Plus she lives in a town even smaller than my own so I can do walking. I'll be driving back taking the kiddos to see some sights soooo the possibilies are endless! I forgot who asked about exercises that don't seem like them. I love pilates with a big ball thingie. If dancing is your thing, I bought one of those Carmen Electra strip tease workouts. Once you stop laughing it's a fun workout. I've got to get rid of post baby weight!
Darn you all to heck! I was just about to go check the fridge and see if there wasn't a little something interesting for snackies, and I stumble over this thread :mad:

Now I have been guilted into being good.

For me it is the stress and lack of sleep that drive me to eat, kids that haven't all been well at the same time for over a month, sleep deprivation tied to said kids being sick for over a month. And now I am looking forward to yet another lost day of work I can't afford and doctors visits tomorrow.

Food makes me happy and gives me energy, how do you say no to that?

I guess I'll just take a couple Motrin and head for bed instead (Moved 880 pounds of concrete today, I'm not sure I can get up off the sofa right now...)
Count me in. With all my stress about my boy, I've been eating everything in sight.

Before I got pregnant with my boy, I was working at a nursing home and we all did a biggest loser thing. I did the Weight Watcher's Core plan and bought the "Walk Away the Pounds" DVD by Leslie Sansone and lost 48 lbs. I was the biggest loser on my shift. Then, a month later, I was pregnant and I've gained it all back, plus about 5 lbs.

For anyone who wants a good cardio work out, the walk away the pounds DVDs are excellent. I have a seriously bad knee, which they're wanting to operate on, and I was doing the 3 mile with very little trouble. You can start out at a mile and work up. Wal-mart even carries her little weighted exercise balls now.

Next time I'm stressing, and feel the need to munch, I'll think of the BYC Biggest Losers, LOL.


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