Anyone want to get into shape this summer?

what to do????? I can't feel full today. I'm not just wanting food, my TUMMY is actually HUNGRY. Trying not to overly eat, but start getting that light headed feeling if I don't. Trying to take in protein and fiber. Any of you experience this?
Ok, well the good news is that I stepped on the scale and am a solid 5 pounds down from when I started.

The bad news is that I ate most of a big vat of cheese puffs left over from the party! Ack! Cake, cookies, cheese puffs... Really poor diet weekend. And July 4th is coming up so I expect another poor diet weekend next weekend.

My plan is to balance it out by a strict diet this week so at least I come out even on the other side!

Oh, but I did a ton of exercise this weekend so that is something!

Missouri Chick - How about a giant salad? Sometimes when I get like that a big bowl of roughage is what I need to make it go away.
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Critter hill, good suggestion. I've had big salads quite a bit lately, but none in the last few days. Maybe that is the problem.....

Wow, 5 lbs,,,,,,GREAT JOB!!!!!
I have 2 and a half weeks off starting today! Woo!

I'll let you know how it is going in a week or so. This is going to be a tough holiday weekend food wise. Gotta step up the exercise.
When I'm physically hungry, I get wicked cranky. Just try to keep that protein in your stomach. It lasts longer than quick-burning things like sugar and carbs that will just make your hunger pangs return quick.
I'm taking up the cause with you all. I'm finally getting on my bicycle again after it's been sitting around for over a year. I did my first ride yesterday -- only 5 miles but I'll get up to speed again soon enough. I feel worlds better already.

I suppose i should cut soda out of my diet again... it really is horrible for you. And I drink around 40+ ozs per day.
Welcome, Tom Stephens. I rode my bike to work yesterday. Felt good, not only to get some exercise, but to do just the tiniest bit toward saving a buck or two on gas. Am going to do it again tomorrow, and then twice a week from then on.

Keep ridin'!
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Hello from NE Missouri, I'm new just jumped in recently and ran across this stream read through some of you groups last few posts. Can I join too? I too need some group support.
Our family started a biggest losers bet last year at our reunion. I am 51 yrs young 5'2" with moo size calves and heifer thighs

I had a good start, was wearing 18-20 jeans and am now sporting size 14
, but now stuck
have been for 5 months
Haven't been walking like I was last fall ( 3-5 miles 4 days a week). Had been given word from my Dr. that my leg pain has been from phlbuytis (sp?) or known as enflamation of varicouse veins. Have been feeling better the last month started a different treatment for my leg have had hardly any pain for over 3 weeks now

I love to drink water and Iced tea don't do the sugar thing haven't for years. I use splenda. Have my critters, 9 yr old grandson, Building a greenhouse (grand Opening next Spring:ya) and DH to help keep me on the go. But some other friendly motavation would be great.
welcome, cutting the soda's is a great idea. I used to work for a urologist (wee wee doctor) caffine is horrible for your bladder and kidneys. In fact all cancer patients were banned from it.

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