Anyone want to get into shape this summer?

critter hill, good or bad just keep trying. I should have lost a LOT more by now, but, I had 2 weeks of not really trying. You'll get going again...just hang in there.

Why aren't you sleeping? Is it a physical or an emotional thing? If something is on my mind I can't sleep either. ALWAYS had trouble with that. It's heritaty for me though. Had to go on meds for a few weeks, now down to tylenole pm or benadryl when needed. Not too often though.
Part of it is stress... I just need to find a way to turn off my brain before going to bed. Thinking alone in the dark is a terrible thing, so some nights I just don't go to bed until I simply can't stay awake anymore.

I remember my 4th grade teacher telling me I was going to have an ulcer before I hit high school if I didn't learn to relax - I'm 36 now. So this is nothing new.

The other part is the fact that I am a full time working mother of 2 small kids. I get up at 5:30AM for work and don't tuck them in until 9:00PM. My husband works late, so I generally single parent during the week. When do I have time for myself? Late night. I love the time alone so much, I don't want to go to sleep even when I DON'T have something stressful keeping me up.

So I guess it is all self inflicted at this point (except for all the nightmares, illnesses, and accidents that my kids get me up for in the night). But it makes it hard to diet when you need the sugar to give you the energy to function.

If you guys ever see me on here past 11PM, yell at me and tell me to go to bed, will ya?
I promise to tell you to go to bed if you do the same for me. lol....

That is rough, I hate when I try to go to bed and my body is dying for sleep and the mind is on over load.
CritterHill, I saw you post....we are both guilty.....time for bed!!!!!! Ok, ok, I'm on here because I wasn't sleeping. Going to try to sleep again now. Night night.
Well, a bit late but here is the promised update. I am barely holding onto 5 pounds that I lost. Being back at work, sitting on my tail is killing me.

One of my problems is that the rock climbing gym I go to is a half hour from my house. So on the rare occasion I CAN get to the gym (usually 8:30 at night after DH gets home), I cant face the drive out there.

I need plan B. I don't know if I can face the tedium of a normal gym... But plan B better surface soon, I am at a decision point.
I got as far as toasting my pop-tarts for lunch today (I forgot my lunch and had to scrounge out of the vending machine), then tossed them right in the garbage.

I am now munching stale pretzels my 2 year old hid in her car seat. But it is better than pop-tarts. I think?
figured i'd post my results, -Stop drinking sodas. switch to water and occasional tea or gatorade, Lost 20 pounds,

Stopped having midnight snacks-10 pounds gone,

Started working out, staying about the same. But replacing the fat with muscle.

Ate a hamburger, small order of fries, and a soda from Sonic, gained 3 pounds :O

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