Anyone want to hatch with me? - Went in 01/16/14.

Here is my momma hen with babies.
Lots of pipping and hatching from our second set of 30. At least 7 chicks are out and many of the others are pipped or zipped. The incubator is alive with little peeping bodies. should I take some out or wait till they are all hatched and dried? One of the silkies has a stringy mucous string attaching it from the back to the egg shell. Just leave it or...?
Hi Anna. Stringy thing is the umbilical cord. It will dry and come off. Leave the chicks in there till hactch is nearly over. They can last upto 48 hours in the Bator. After they are dry and if you want space then set up a heat lamp over the incubator so you don't loose to much heat or humidity when quickly removing the baby's. Then move them to the brooder
Well, today is day 14. I don't feel like the eggs are really on day 14 though, because according to some of the candling pictures I've seen, most day 14 embryos have the whole bottom part of the egg darkened, and mine aren't. I'm not too worried about it, but it does bother me a little bit. Anyway, Yesterday, I got fed up with being up in the night to monitor the temperature in my DIY incubator, so I went out and bought a LG. So far, I'm liking it a lot better. There is still a little bit of a temp fluctuation, but it's not nearly as bad as my DIY. I like it because it has a sort of thermostat on it, whereas mine didn't. I set it up last night and transferred my eggs into it this morning. So far, I feel confident that the eggs will be alright at night.

Oh, I candled today (obviously). I had two that were quitters, so now I am down to 16 out of an original 20.
I'm on day 18 with chicken eggs and can't get my humidity below 72%. Will my babies still be able to hatch or is that too high? Any help will be greatly appreciated!!!the first 17 days the humidity was at 50%.
There are experts on here and I am not one of them but from what I have learned... the humidity is most important in the first 17 days with humidity being low... how low is the debate some go as low as nothing less than 25% and nothing higher than 50%. 65% being recommended for the last three days so it seems as if 72% would be okay for the last three... because their air cell is already formed and they are positioning for pipping the last three days...

okay everyone, is that correct???

Good luck.. I am on lock down Wednesday with successful development so far! I can't wait!!


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