Anyone want to lose some weight too? So I'm not starvin' by myself?

OK...I think I need some help.

I ate Chinese tonight (well, not really...sushi) and did some exercise (ouch!). But now my head is hurting from not eating something substantial. What can I do? I have nothing in the apartment at the present moment to help boost my blood sugar other than peanut butter. I don't really want to eat a spoonful of peanut butter...

I'm drinking juice to help, but this headache is kicking my rear. Not good considering today is Day 1 of the diet/ exercise. Not going to be fun...
Argggg..........I just weighed myself, and I am IN! I am about 5' 4'' and as of right now........148#. In November of 2008, I weight 128#. So 20 pounds gained in a year. Not cool. I really want to get some of this weight off, I would look so much better, and I want to play soccer on the high school team next season, so it would help if I was skinnier. Even though there are only 2 other girls who are on the team, and one is quite a bit larger than me, and one is about my size. My diet is terrible. Not too much into candy, cookies, or pop [unless we actually have some, then it is gone in no time]. But I LOVE milk and ice cream, cake, pie, and we eat out a lot. I am vegetarian, and I am not sure if eating meat again would help. And why do McDonald's Frappes have to be so darn good?????!!!!! But fitness is my problem. When I was on the spring team last year, the chubbiest boy on the team, who is really obese, was a faster runner than me, lol. My goal is......................125#
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I am new on hear and am on like my 100th diet. so far so good I will diet with you. . down 59 lbs. and still need to loose 30 more
I'm in as well this past year I have gained 50 pounds from medication. Dang doctors switched my meds and the pounds just kept adding up I look at last years pics and want to cry. I have noticed that I quit caffine and I lost 10 pounds without trying to lose any. I did read that the caffine you drink in any form gives you the belly fat. Anyway checking in 5'4" 183lbs 1/1/2010.
edit to add starting date:
Have compan y comin g until the 20th so I cant start until then Its going to be hard enough without worrying about cooking special
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I've tried so many things and I just can't lose weight. I'll eat super healthy, work out for an hour three times a week and I'll gain weight. They say it's muscle, but why don't I see a difference on the outside then? I'll be on the right track and then give up because I get fed up trying and not seeing results. I'm also a type 1 diabetic and the insulin doesn't help my issue either.

I would love, love, love to lose 50 pounds, and once again I've been trying to eat the right things. Sometimes I get thrown off track when I go to college, but so far, so good. I've been cutting out most unnecessary sugars (except for fruits) and I usually use natural sweeteners anyways for the diabetes. I don't really eat bread, and I'll have mash taters only every once in awhile. When I eat rice, I eat brown or wild rice. I've been trying to limit myself to one plate and small portions.

I would love to jump on the band wagon again. I'm beginning to find myself more and more unhappy with the way I look, and it's affecting my moods majorly. Hopefully this year I may see some changes. Seeing even just a little bit of weight loss would help me stick with the exercise and healthy foods.
Count me in too. For me to loose I need to stick to three meals and two snacks of low carb / good protien choices. I will work hard at planning ahead, taking my food with me on the road so i don't snack or have to buy junk food, and NOT jumping on the scales more then once per week (otherwise I make myself obsessed and crazy!!) I'll be happy with a loss of 2 lbs per week so it stays off in the long haul.
I'm at 5'7" @ 214 and need to be around 170 to lower my HBP .
5'2" and 167... ugh. my goal is 127... less than 125 (in 2000), made me look kind of unhealthy, and I haven't been under 135 (which I would settle for too) since after the birth of my second child.. briefly...I got pregnant the INSTANT I weighed 135... blurgh. I am going to eat only eggs for breakfast, 3 whites and one yolk (it's better to have some yolk for the complete protein), no toast or cereal... most cereal isn't that good for you... no pancakes, no waffles, no starch for breakfast. Starch is NOT the same as grains... grains are things like oats, wheat, barley, etc... starch = flour. flour is not my friend. I am also going to ration my flour and my sugar. I really like to bake, bread, pizza, cookies... and I always give away at least half to the garbage man or the nursing home, or my playdate buddies, but really, I need to cut back on what I put into my body. I think that exercise is important, but honestly, when I jog on my treadmill for 45 minutes, 3 times a week, I see no physical difference. That's because any difference I could see is buried under fat. the exercise makes your heart stronger, your body healthier, but will probably not make you thinner. Eating less than your 'maintenance calorie amount' will make you lose less. You can google BMI and stuff, and figure out how many calories you are eating to keep your current weight. then, eat less than that. 3500 calories = one pound, but it's not safe or healthy to lose weight too fast. the upper acceptable limit is like 2 lbs a week... I'd love that, but will settle for what I can get! We're off to a great start guys, How about we make one change a week? Like every saturday we say something like

I'm 5'2", starting weight is 167, current weight is 167, goal weight is 127, this week I am eating eggs for breakfast instead of processed junk.
I am in too.Weight is up and down,but I will say 200 to start.I need to lose about 40 and see if that gets me off bp meds.With everyone going back to work/school I can do my daily workout again. I have some walk videos that are good.Jillian Michael videos that are really hard.

For food I have been doing oatmeal with a banana and cinnamon in AM.Might do buckwheat waffles .Add blueberries to each breakfast option.

I was doing soups and salads,but got off that with everyone home.I ate the healthy harvest or progresso low salt/cal soups with some added oatmeal and frozen veggies. I lost a good amount eating these and doing the videos.Unlimited veggies and fruit to fill in the cravings.Water for the most part,but do have a coffee each am.

I have switched to whole grain pasta and rice.No meat in the sauce for pasta-dh hates this.I substitute ground turkey for ground beef.Making meat more of a side dish or taste accent rather than the main course of the meal.Frozen berry blend(blue berry,raspberry,black berry) is a good snack! I love wasabi green peas to snack on.

Best wishes and good health to everyone!

Date: 1-01-2010
Age: 38
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 200 lbs
Goal: 160 lbs
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I am loving all these stories that are so me! I was skinny all my life (couldn't have babies because of that) and gained a ton of weight when I turned 40. So now, problems with bp and arthritis. Got to get the weight off. So looking forward to the comaraderie! Please note your age with other statistics. That helps to detemine proper direction regarding calories and exercise and realistic goals. Love you all, Caroline

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