Anyone want to lose some weight too? So I'm not starvin' by myself?

If you want to get a good workout but can't afford the $300-$400 for the Wii, balance board, wii fit, extra controllers, etc., etc. I would reccomend getting the Wii which is around $200 and the EA active sports game which is around $50 or so. The EA Active sports is really a great workout. So an initial start up of around $250.00+. I actually bought my Wii with balance board, Wii fit plus and tons of accessories like rechargeable batteries, charging dock, etc. from HSN for around $400. The good thing was the four payments of around $100 which makes it a little easier than dishing the total balance out at one time. Have fun guys.
Ugghh.... Dairy does not like me. I've been slightly lactose intolerant for years. Last week my body decides that it does not want dairy at all! The good news is this is another reason to get a goat. The body can process goat milk easier than cow milk. I also need to get up earlier to make my lunch. I've been eating mostly homegrown foods for six months now and I can't stand store bought foods. I slept late today so I bought a premade sandwich for lunch and some nuts for a snack. I'm glad that the sandwich was on sale because I tossed over half of it in the trash. I haven't stepped on the scale yet this week but I feel better.
I am by no means an expert Terrie but wanted to throw out that 'starvation mode' thing for ya. Sometimes bodies respond better to a gradual reduction than a quick drop. I used the little calculator thingy that Pampered posted yesterday and am going to shoot for 1750 and then every week reduce it a bit more so my body doesnt think I am starving and start holding onto every ounce it can...egads! lol

Glad DH is in on this with ya. Its so much easier and more fun when you arent fighting the battle alone.

Have a great day!

You are absolutely right, CF!

Years ago I was on NutriSystem. (I lost 160 pounds!) I didn't maintain the good habits I learned and gained a lot of it back.

When I started they put me on 1000 calories a day right off and I was sick, had headaches and sleepy all the time. They bumped me to 1500 a day until I got used to it and then gradually dropped me back down to 1000 a day.

So I thought that was a good place to start. We can always adjust.

But thank you for posting that. Too often when starting a diet, a huge reduction in calories seems best, but you need to make sure your body knows what you are doing.

ETA, I went to Fit Day and signed up! I like how you can plan out meals, adjust info to a specific food, and set weight loss goals. It takes a while but it makes you see exactly what you are eating and how many calories things are.

I've always wondered, Is the nutri system foods any good? Taste wise?
My sister did the nutri-system she said the food wasn't too bad and it worked, but you still had to buy your fruits and vegetables and she couldn't afford to pay for the food and still buy the extra groceries.
I liked Jenny Craig better. Though when I started Nutrisystem it was in 1988 so most stuff was powdered or canned. Jenny Craig's was frozen and tasted fresher, though both were good.

It can be spendy, but at the time I was newly single and it was just me. I can't imagine how hard it would be money wise to do this program and make sure kids were fed.
Made it to the gym to walk again today. 5 out of 6 days this week. Woohoo!

I havent weighed myself cause I dont own a But have a Dr. appt on Tues and she insists on weight everytime

But, I feel better. Not bloated and sleepy. I am hitting my target heart rate everytime I walk and I hold it for about 20-30 minutes so I think I am doing ok.

I am also starting to not feel as hungry. A salad at lunch used to be an appetizer, now I am stuffed after one.

Bedtime snacks arent as enticing either. Last night DD was into Doritoes and I had her bring me 5 chips and that was perfect.

Let's see how week 2 goes

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