Anyone want to lose some weight too? So I'm not starvin' by myself?

Mattemma, ibeuprofin is the only thing I know OR aleve that helps sore muscles. I've always had good results with aleve. Sorry I couldnt tell you more.

I cant help but noticing that myself and a few others are the only ones posting lately...has everyone fallen off the bandwagon?
I am here. I just haven't been very good lately
However, today was a new day!
I'm here. I've just been really busy. I'm now down 19.4 lbs. I've lost 1 lbs each week the last 3 weeks. After my huge losses my first two weeks I could be disappointed but I'm not.

I'm still trucking along trying to get ready for spring!

Good luck everyone!

Well, another week of making no progress. I came down with Strep throat. I'm not quite over it yet. I can't seem to get rid of my fever and my throat is still bothering me just a little. Aaargh! I got a new exercise tape (something that should be funny). I also have some new shoes I want to try out.
Well I had lost a few ounces last week. (I found a scale that did pounds and ounces, creepy!)

Anyways, I am still working out and being healthy but my diet is failing... and before anyone tries to pep-talk me here's the skinny.

I had to go grocery shopping because food stamps are still being 'determined' just like unemployment is being 'determined' at this time. With bills being paid late, and my whole world flipped upside down, I was lucky enough to have a few sales on my site and was able to buy some groceries... the reality though, mac and cheese, pasta, and clearance meat! I managed to get some mushrooms, onions, carrots and lettuce. Hubby and kid need their chips and fruit snacks... ect ect. So just imagine a kitchen full of carbs, calories and fat!

Anyways... Why should I make them suffer, they are both WAY under weight.

I have Yoga tonight and Thursday night. Saturday morning I am going to an 'All Abs Class' wish me luck!

I'm in. I am really big. I weigh 230LBs, but ya'll wouldn't believe me because I am very tall. But I am a nurse and my feet hurt when I have to stand up for hours, pouring meds.
Besides, people just don't know how very much I love eating.
I have lost weight a few times. And I feel good when I am eating well and my feet don't hurt. But sometimes I back-slide.
Well the otherday I thought to myself,"I won't think on how big I am or on getting skinny, because it will be too discouraging. Instead I will concentrate on increasing my water intake, to improve my kidney function, skin and other systems and I will work on my flexibility (which is terrible) and overall strength......while I make small alterations in my cooking. Like make sure I have a few whole grains to choose from and having a green vegetable with each meal and such."
If I become stronger and more flexible, I will be healthier and if I am involved in an accident. Plus by trying to improve on these things, some of my weight will have to come off.
I've only lost a few LBs but I am not discouraged, because I will keep my goals in my head and my aching feet remind me often enough.
Welcome Rhoda_bruce, good to have your here with us. I know what you mean about getting discouraged, I feel that way when I look at the whole picture. I've also learned to just take things in small steps and make small instead of my 60 lb goal, I concentrate on 5 lbs at a time.

Last week was terrible, totally off plan and I was up 1.8 on Friday to show for it
It's been hard changing old habits. I always want to eat til Im stuffed not satisfied, I'm having a hard time finding that fine line.

sangel4you how is your son? I hope he starts to feel better, sounds terrible
I will try to avoid the scale for a while, because with my increased water intake I could put on some LBs that are quite innocent and it might get me down. I feel good right now. Yesterday I raked up some leaves to put in the coop, just to move my body around and I found it pulled my abdominals good, so I kept it up a while. I wish I had hauled it in because apparently it rained a whole lot while I slept away the hours. I woke up to a small lake. So no raking today, but the sun is out, so maybe soon.
I really think that a lot of us with weight problems would do good to go to the doctor's office and have some bloodwork. I am 43 years old.......well at least I will be for 2 more days......and I have a diagnosis of hypothyroidism, which gives me a license to be tired and chubby, but I started taking meds in Oct or Nov...forgot which. Its not a miracle drug for me, but it might be helping. Sometimes I forget if I took it. The truth is I was really diagnosed 3 years ago, when I was pregnant, and I took the meds for 2 months, but I really got scared that it was pregnancy related and I didn't want to begin taking something that would stop my body from producing its own required hormones, so I stopped taking it, until I realized how very tired I was and how very much my feet hurt and how did it relate to my weight, so I broke down and went to the doctor with my concerns and game plan. One day at a time. I didn't get like this in one day and it won't fix itself in one day either.

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