Anyone want to lose some weight too? So I'm not starvin' by myself?

After I feed the goat, dog and chickens this morning, I was also hungry. I toasted 2 slices of whole wheat bread and fried 3 eggs in olive olive oil...over easy. I feel like I might as well load up on the protein foods that will stick with me longer. I then, fortunately remembered to take my thyroid med and got busy with lunch.....spagetti, which I served early, so my husband could go to work. I didn't eat it, because I was still full and I cut up some cucumbers for them, which I did munch on. I also have munched on cantelope. I didn't like how much I paid for the cantelope, but I do have some seeds and my husband did get a tray to start my plants early, so I can go ahead and get some stuff planted today. I also like to fix jello to have a no fat/no suger (sometimes) snack, but I never looked at the box to see for an expiration date. Now I am curious though. I would think you would be safe, so long as it was prepared with pipping hot water, recently. I think I will prepare some, because I run out of fresh fruit fast.
It is supposed to start raining again, although its sunny out now, so I think I will do my favorite abdominal excerise......raking leaves for the chickens.
Hi. I really don't have that much weight to lose. I'm 123 and would like to be 119. But I have Fibro Myalgia. I have spent so much of my life in pain and I'm only 36. I have become very inactive and out of shape. My best friend and neighbor, who is classified obese, and I are working out for about 2 hours on the Wii Fit every weekday morning at 8am. We keep each other motivated. I have already lost 2lb in 3 weeks. And she's lost almost 10. We both feel so much better. I am up to running about 4 miles a day. the first time I ran I thought I was going to die after .5 mile.And shes up to 1.5.She was all approved to get the lap band and now she's reconsidering. I'm very proud of us. If we can do this anyone can:)I also brush my teeth right after dinner. Once the taste of food is out of my mouth its not as hard to resist evening snacking. Good Luck Everyone! Keep up all your hard work.
Thanks Debi :)

I wanted to tell you all about my workout or err lack of! LOL Yet I'm still giving myself 4 activity points ha ha
I had planned on working out hard on my elliptical tonight and still may... but after we shoveled for half an hour we decided to go for a walk over the feidls and into the woods to see if we saw deer tracks. Part of the time I was carrying 50lb DS on my shoulders, but even so, walking that probably 3/4 to 1 mile that we did in snow that goes up to my midthigh and 25 mph winds... was HARD!!! MY heart rate was up, I was huffing and puffing more than I do after an hr on the elliptical, and my legs are SORE which they NEVER are after running LOL! I think I'm being generous by only giving 4 AP's but since I cant measure really I am going to leave it at that but woooo that was fun, and difficult LOL
And mmm my Turkey veggie chili was YUMMY when I got back in!

ETA those of you that know the history with DS will understand why this is so frusterating, but it was sad seeing my yummy chili splattered all over my bathroom because I didn't take DS seriously enough when he told me his belly hurt. :-/ UGH.
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Well I can tell you that when it is 30 outside and your heat goes out, there is no appetite at all. Try it sometime!!!
Ok now I am talking to myself.... I have lost enough weight that my shoes are too big. I thought once you got pregnancy feet they never went away.
Now all my shoes are too big and they are floppin on my feet!!
I had that happen too, once I figured out I had celiacs, and stopped eating gluten.
I shrank in the oddest of places!
Although, the strangest thing of all, because of eating a diet high in animal fats, my cellulite is almost gone.
And believe me, I used to have LOTS of cellulite!
debiraymond your not talking to yourself, & sounds like you need some new shoes, your feet are shrinking.

It's been another tough week here. Today is weigh in and I don't want to step on the scale, I'm afraid I'm up again
Ok just got off the scale I am up 3 lbs in the last 2 weeks
It's so discouraging I don't know why I have this obsession with food, it surely is my drug. Just cant seem to get it under control. I've got a child's bday party to go to this afternoon I need to stay completely away from the cake, I don't even want to see it. Not to mention they are having the party at Burger King, & I love whoppers & french fries
wish me luck.

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