Anyone want to lose some weight too? So I'm not starvin' by myself?

Hooray for lent starting soon! Even more motivation to eat well and boy do I need it this week! I haven't eaten AWFULLY (except DH and I did have choc fondue on Vday), I've just apparently been eating a lot of high fat content, not tracking much, and not excersising much. I weigh in tmrw and have a feel I have def NOT lost and probably even gained. To be honest I have a feeling the pound loss last week was a fluke bc I didnt feel like I had lost. Oh well I've already accepted it. It's been about 6 weeks since I havent lost anything so I can I can handle a little gain as long as I work harder to get it off next week. It seems like ever since my allowed points values went from 22/day to 21, It's been SO much harder for me!
Doing hw tonight and a good hard workout. Also Prob going to have some fruit and yogurt for dinner because I ate a huge lunch today that used most of my points and I will not go over my points anymore this week!
This weather is soooo not helping my cause! Cant get to the gym when its so cruddy out there. If I fall on the ice and break a leg I wont be doing anything but sitting home munching on Doritios for 6 weeks. =/
I've slacked on my wii fit, I'm lucky to get on it once or twice a week. I have still been countin calories and I'm holding at 188 right now... ever time I do get on the wii I'm a lil less...
First I've been cutting back on snacking which helped a lot. Now I'm on the anxiety diet.
It works if you want to lose some pounds, but it ain't fun. I've been splurging on raspberries, blackberries and grapes, which has been fun.
Saw peaches in the store, but not sure how they'd be this time of year.
Yeah, I've just had some terrible experiences with tomatoes at the store.... *gag*

I would NEVER buy out of season produce but I just HAD to have a salad.

I can't wait for spring when I can grow my own, and have no reason to not eat healthy all summer long. And I long to be out in the garden doing hard work, I always lose weight in the spring from working so hard. Dry out and warm up already!!!!!

The tomatoes really suck. But one day I bought these little gems that were in a box and call Backyard Tomatoes. It was a cute box, and they were really good! So much so, that I saved the seeds from them and I'm gonna try to grow those and see what I get. I went back to the store and haven't seen them since.
Vfrem, I'm with ya...getting a bit of spring fever for sure! Especially since it's actually been sunny here the last two days. COLD still yes! But sunny anyway! I think we're to get above freezing by the weekend! wooot!
I ordered my wii and wii fit everyone!!! HSN was out of stock though( actually EVERYTHING was out of stock with wii except Amazon. and I did end up paying the original price, not the $199 they are down too now but idc, I didn't want to wait months until they were back in stock! Fedex site says it should get here tmrw! And I happen to be off tmrw evening so I'll get to play! Saturday DS and I are going rollerskating and he can finally pick up his pair of skates from his birthday a month and a half ago! He's finally well enough to go! *knock on wood*
I didnt check in yesterday after I weighed, it wasn't as bad as I thought but I didn't lose either. Just maintained my 147. I hope to be 145 or less by my 26th birthday which is in 10 days. Its so weird though you know. I was just thinking about how when I first started this journey close to 2 months ago, I was dreading the 158, 159, and 160 even that would pop up on the scale! This is by no means my goal, but it's so weird seeing a number like seems like SO much less and so much better than before! DH joined WW about two weeks after me on Jan 7th, and he has lost 19 pounds since then!!! I'm so happy for him! That was part of the reason I wanted to start getting in shape because I figured if I did I might rub off on him...luckily it's worked and he has far surpassed me! Yay go hubby!
Alrighty well this will prob be the only time you;ll hear from me until after the work/school week is over! Have a good one everyone and keep up the work!
I just got on the scale and it would have been sad, but I won't allow it to get to me. I have been working on a bridge for a week now....which is super easy and while I am watching tv ( work), I have been doing some moving around......stretches and pulling moves. I feel differences in my back, legs, abdomen, buttocks and arms. Anyway we all know what weighs more between fat and muscle, don't we? Tomorrow I will work as a nurse and won't have time for that stuff, but I start working on the bridge again Wednesday. Also been drinking a 10 oz glass of water about 5 times in a 12 hour shift. It feels better, but I won't look at the big picture. One day at a time.
I started some seeds in the house to get a jump start on spring planting. I can't wait to start my garden. I planted 2 kinds of melon, so I'm less likely to want to bake a cake when I start harvesting. My husband thinks I planted too many.

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