Anyone want to lose some weight too? So I'm not starvin' by myself?

welcome old time gator!!! This thread is not near as busy as it has been, but there are still some of us around sticking with this! Making this the New years resolution going into the middle of it's third month!!! Many of us are doing just what you said, eating better, and more activity. I know the 73 pages is daunting, but there are some good tips, recipes etc if you ever have time to go back through! If you need any advice or want to vent or need some motivation, come see us :)
I'll be starting the last part of our "barn raising" this weekend by putting in the posts and headers for the back part of the shedrow and LF pen, so I'll be getting my exercise in for sure. That's the kind of activity that I love....can't stand a treadmill!!

I really think a lot of my eating is boredom when I'm home at night. If I'm not busy doing something, then I'm watching TV and eating!! I MUST stay busy....
I need to lose lots of wieght, the truth is I'm such an emotional eater! I live a high stress life and seem to fall back on sugar I can give up fats but sugar, oh how I love you! Ok I'm going to join the YMCA again taking the kids for hikes dailyplanning on buying a new bike next week and having bike rides with the kids, going to stick to a lower sugar diet, more smoothies ect. This summer I'm not going to be going to school or working so I will have plenty of time to workout. Boy,losing wieght is much harder then putting it on:)
Finally made it through a night without raiding the kitchen! I have noticed an increase in teasing and negative comments from my dh about losing weight.I don't know why he thinks saying mean things will motivate me.We'll actually it does,but it also makes me REALLY mad at him for saying those things. I hope everyone else has more supportive people.
Mattemma, my DH started out doing the same thing (I was 30 b overweight, he was close to 65 mind you...) and then after about 3 weeks in...he continued to make fun, but in a different way "you're losing your butt" etc...and then he joined on with me! And he's lost 23 pounds since the 2nd week of January whereas I've lost 14 since middle of Dec! So see maybe it's not all bad?! Keep up the good work, he'll stop making fun soon enough when he has a hot mama in bed with him at night! ;-)
I hope ya'll have a teasing realationship and he just thinks he's picking I know me and my DH do but he knows teasin me at all about my weight is a BIG NO NO!! I'm very sensitive about it. LOL Everytime I go to loose he always tells me I dont need to and I honestly think he's serious, but I know what I want to look like for me to be happy and thats what I'm goin for.

Congrats to everyone on loosing.. I got on the scale yesterday I was down 2lbs I've got about 30 more to go now..
pampered, is that you in your avatar? You don't look like you have 30lb to lose!!! Girl you're down right pretty! :) Just thought would like to hear my thoughts out loud :) I just read some GREAT reviews on Jillians 30day shred, has anyone done it? It sounds like it's a butt kicker...and in 20 minutes! Just what I need LOL On top of my wii and elliptical ha ha, the more options the more likely I am to do it right?!
You look really small for that wt!!! You must be tall! LOL darn lucky tall ones... grrrrr ;-) If I were that weight I would round out your mirror beyond the picture! No joke! That's what I get for being shorty short short. LOL Well congrats on the loss so far and keep it up!

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