Anyone want to lose some weight too? So I'm not starvin' by myself?

I have not done the 30 day shred,but I did do a workout by her a few times.Will have to look for the name.Was hard to walk the next day,lol. I had a really hard time getting through the whole video. Her programs are tough but they work. I was thinking of getting her Wii program.I usually do the leslie S. walk at home dvds. Zumba is ok too. I get a lot of dvds from the library,or buy them cheap at the resale store.

I slacked off since October.Got lazy after weighing in at the doctors in September at 172.Not watching what I ate.I was so close to my 160 goal.Now I am at 178-180.Ah well back to work!!!!

For anyone needing extra fiber and liking oatmeal I noticed a high fiber cinannom swirl instant oatmeal at walmart for $1.24 a box. I like it in a pinch and add frozen blueberries to it.It is 160 calories per serving and 10 grams of fiber.
This thread has lasted a while
Since the New Year is coming, thought I'd post the end result for this year for myself and set a new goal for next year. I never did quit smoking during this weight loss journey but here's my stats from the past year.

Starting weight was 174 on 1-2-10 my goal was originally 150, but I did not really start losing much weight until after May or June when I started having BP issues and cut the salt and caffeine out of my diet. NOW I fluctuate weight between 142-145 so I lost at least 30 pounds
It has taken a year, but has been a nice journey
My pastor now teases me that I'm going to blow away in the wind
I have to say I hated that silly joke when I was a skinny kid who couldn't gain weight, but now...I kinda am in love with it

Next year...I'm trying AGAIN to quit smoking, that'll only make about 50 times I've said that/tried now
and I may be back on this thread before it's over with
BUT I didn't really think I could lose the weight either so.....who knows?
The success of the weight loss feels good, but I am very leary of actually trying to quit smoking. It is NOT AT ALL like losing weight...I really do not see myself succeeding with it, but I am stubborn and eventually if I try enough times and finally get ticked off about it, maybe I can, so here I go again with another not likely goal and a hope that it will turn out like the last unlikely one
I never reached my goal I lost 10ish lbs and I've gained 5 -8lbs back I loose and gain those lbs throughout the month lol... I need to loose at least 45lbs
Thats what I gained in 04 when i quit smoking LOL
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I never reached my goal I lost 10ish lbs and I've gained 5 -8lbs back I loose and gain those lbs throughout the month lol... I need to loose at least 45lbs
Thats what I gained in 04 when i quit smoking LOL

Watching salt intake worked like a charm for me. Salt makes you retain water, so it makes sense that reducing it would help you lose. I quit caffeine too because I felt it attributed to my anxiety and high BP, but I learned it also has inflammatory properties which could be a source of weight retention. Try it for a week or so and see where you get
I did not work out when I started losing, I had quit working out at all at that point. I just kept a clsoe eye on salt and caffeine and started dropping weight like crazy. If you try it, just keep in mind your body NEEDS some salt. I cut to 1800 mg daily at my peak of weight loss and eventually I started craving it a bit so increased it back to 2200mg daily, and still lost weight, just a bit slower.
I never reached my goal I lost 10ish lbs and I've gained 5 -8lbs back I loose and gain those lbs throughout the month lol... I need to loose at least 45lbs
Thats what I gained in 04 when i quit smoking LOL

Watching salt intake worked like a charm for me. Salt makes you retain water, so it makes sense that reducing it would help you lose. I quit caffeine too because I felt it attributed to my anxiety and high BP, but I learned it also has inflammatory properties which could be a source of weight retention. Try it for a week or so and see where you get
I did not work out when I started losing, I had quit working out at all at that point. I just kept a clsoe eye on salt and caffeine and started dropping weight like crazy. If you try it, just keep in mind your body NEEDS some salt. I cut to 1800 mg daily at my peak of weight loss and eventually I started craving it a bit so increased it back to 2200mg daily, and still lost weight, just a bit slower.

Only problem with that for me is I eat out alot..LOL with my job and me and my DH live with my parents (who dont cook) and with his schedule and my schedule its easier for us to grab something on the go which is not good and part of my problem but.... I do best watching calories and doing a lil bit of exercise I've got a wii and do the fit plus and I just got the dance work out and want the zumba workout. I can eat around 1500-1800 calories and loose 1lb a week and 2200-2400 i can maintain my weight. My problem is i like to eat and I know that diets dont work so I try to do more of a life style change that I know I can stick to.
I never reached my goal I lost 10ish lbs and I've gained 5 -8lbs back I loose and gain those lbs throughout the month lol... I need to loose at least 45lbs
Thats what I gained in 04 when i quit smoking LOL

I had several goals... and when I started I was around 175... then I quit... by September I was 180
I DID quit smoking in May of 2009... and it was TERRIBLE, that's also when I starting gaining weight. At that time I was 165.

So in September (the 27th to be exact) I went hard core and stuck to a stricker diet, that I have gotten lax on... not because I'm quitting, but because I still WATCH what I eat and I stay away from certain things altogether. I TRUST myself more.

My goal is now 140 and I've lost 19 lb since Sept, I got down to 161 as of last friday. Right now with my holiday rush going, and the baking and the insanity that has over come me... the scale said 163 this morning
But I will not let that bother me... I will do good. I managed to lose 4 lbs AFTER Thanksgiving, and I can back off the cookies now!!!

Though its gotten SOOOOOO cold, I haven't been doing my walks. I have this 1 last month on my gym membership, so when my MIL gets her on Sunday... Hubby and I will try to make at least 3 visits next week to do our walks. What happens come Januaury.... looks like I'll be bundling up and back to the neighborhood to walk it in the snow.

Thank you all for having this thread... when I remembered to come I did well. It was nice to know I wasn't going through this struggle alone.
I am now back to my high school graduation weight so I have lost all I think I should, 55 lbs total, done over almost 3 years total so really slow. I seem to have the issue of maintaining it though, I can't settle on a meal plan that not has me continuing to loose or going back to gaining. My activity really varies and I don't see a way in my lifestyle or career to even that out so I have to learn to eat for replacement calories.

Congratulations to all who are losers! It looks good off you.

Cindiloohoo stopping smoking will be so good for your BP and your nerves as well, in the long run. Keep that firmly in focus over the first very tough bit!

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