April 2010 Pullets- wanna wait with me?

I've lost track with the many of us who are eagerly waiting with you. Kittykorat, have you had your first eggs come yet?

Ours are 4 days younger than yours so I greatly look forward to news that your wait has ended.

Still waiting....
17 1/2 weeks now for my white leghorns, ones comb it very red and getting bigger every day. I did catch the rooster doing his "thing" with one of the girls a couple of days ago, so he thinks they are ready.

I keep thinking every time I buy eggs at the store that I am buying egg cartons. Very expensive egg cartons.

On a side note. My neighbors are not thrilled with George (my roo.) I was going to be nice and keep them supplied in eggs. They are vegan. Their loss. I am lucky to live somewhere where thy can't complain.
Dark Brahma is at 26/28 weeks, and now starting to get pretty red in her face! I know Brahma's lay later because they are a heavy slow growing breed, but I am excited!

Barred Rock is 18 weeks old this week, she is red in the morning but by evening she has turned back to pink. I expect eggs from her in about 2-4 weeks. My Easter Egger is 18 weeks too, but she is going through a rough spot right now so she can take as much sweet time as she needs

Two Wyandottes who are 14 weeks old this week, so still a ways to go for them! But they are cute
Well, I'm still waiting for mine to start laying, but one of my friend's Golden Comets/Red Stars that are the same age as mine laid her first egg last Wednesday. She has laid about 7 eggs since then! I checked out the chickens at the local fair to compare sizes and comb colors. Also, I saw the people who I ordered my chicks with, and they said they don't expect any eggs until September.
Thanks to all who gave me some advice!
Also, the comment made about Brahma's being slow growers was great, because now that I think back, we kept laughing at our chicks because they were the only two whose wings didn't seem to grow at all even as their body got taller.....we called them "bubble butts" as they would run around the yard with the other chicks whose wing feathers were growing in proportion to their body!
LOL On a sad note, (and I know this isn't the right board), the male Brahma has something wrong with him all of the sudden tonight. Late this afternoon, the girls let the chickens out for only about 45 min. He was fine as they all ran out together as usual, but the girls noticed he was "wobbly" when they put him up. I didn't get to see him until about 7:45 pm tonight and he couldn't really stand up! He acts like he is dizzy or has vertigo really bad. We took him out of the pen and tried to have him stand up, but he would kind of wobble back and end up on his "knees?"
We picked him up and tried to check him over for some obvious outward injuries and could not see or feel anything. We gave him water and food and put HIM in the little hutch instead of the hen that we had been isolating for behavior because the other roosters were trying to attack him. After dinner at about 10 pm, my husband and my youngest checked on him with a flashlight....they said he appeared to be standing up in his hutch (not sure how stable he is at this point). We are wondering if maybe he could have eaten a poisonous bug, spider, or lizard? (We live in West Central Florida.) Not sure what to do for the poor baby except give him food, water, and keep him away from the others until he is better. Any ideas or suggestions? Also, we are STILL waiting for eggs!!!
(I will post this on another board for illness/injuries) THANKS EVERYONE!!
Time I weighed in. I have 10 pullets hatched sometime in early April--couple of RIR, 4 Golden comets, 3 SS, and a White Rock. While a couple of the comets are showing red and enlarged comb/wattles I'm really not expecting any eggs for a couple of weeks--1st week in Sept. at the earliest. If one or two start earlier, so be it, but 20 -22 weeks is about right. I expect the rock to be the latest.
I have April pullets too they are getting red combs and the roosters are lovin' them and they have been checking out the lay boxes they will be 20 weeks Monday.....oh and mine are Delawares
We are with you in the watch. We have five Auracaunas with end of March hatch dates and a mix of six others (1 California white, one barred rock, two black sex links, and two red sex links with first week of April hatch dates. I don't know when to expect point of lay, they look more mature all the time, combs are mostly pale still. How old are pullets when ready for first eggs? For sure, I need to find some homes for about a dozen of our older girls, somewhere they can retire before winter. Started with four BO's, rescued, and now have 31 of assorted varieties and ages. What do chicken "ranchers" do when the numbers creep up and coop space is limited, but you want to keep a young laying flock? I know, the dumpling pot, but I haven't reached the emotional readiness for that with my personality girls! ~G
Wow! Seems like a lot of people are in on the wait!
I'll join too... my girls hatched a day before yours- April 19th! I've begun checking for eggs daily. I just hope someone decides to lay before I leave in a week!

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