April 2023 Hatch-A-Long

Tried my best get all 6 chicks from BO in these pictures:

I couldn't hold out any longer, just had to candle one egg yesterday (day 4) just to see if there is anything developing. It was so exciting to see the blood vessels and the tiny embryo! I was looking at the big white egg, as it is the easiest to see. Not much there yet.
I plan to candle all the rest on day 10 when it will be easier to see behind the brown shell.
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I candled all my remaining 19 eggs yesterday and pulled the 6 eggs that were not developing, leaving the 13. Lockdown day, added water, so my RH is now up around 50-60%. Removed the egg turner and turned the eggs so that the low side of the air cell is facing up. Now all I have to do is wait. 3 more days. Patience. The air vent is wide open now, to keep the RH from getting too high. Now I am starting to collect more eggs for the next incubation.
Well my broody did not work out. So know to not let her try again. Not sure exactly what happened but was watching the camera and saw a group pecking something so ran out, it was an egg that was laid in the coop not the nest box THANK GOD!!!!! But then went to peek since another chicken went into her box to lay so wanted to take her out. Heard peeping and one baby was out of the nest box trying to get back in. then saw the other chicken peck something so looked and it was the other baby! So quickly grabbed her out, went to put the fluffed baby back in and the broody pecked it. So grabbed both and put them in the incubator. The other baby that was pecked was still wet and cool (not cold) since it was in the corner of the nest box not under the broody. It has a scratch mark on its head. So fingers crossed warming and drying up all will be fine with it.
I have 10 Buckeye chicks out and fluffy (including the one that had pipped on the wrong end of the egg)

6 eggs left to go! 3 pipped normally I left alone. The ones that hadn’t yet pipped I candled. (These are shipped eggs with wonky air cells so I’m trying to keep close watch on them) 2 of those had internal pips in what looked to be tricky spots too far from the edge of the egg for them to pip externally so I made small safety holes. The other egg I’m thinking looks like it maybe quit in the last few days but the shell is pretty dark so I can’t really be sure what is going on with that egg. Maybe it’s just lagging behind. I’ll check it again after the others finish up!
Well my broody did not work out. So know to not let her try again. Not sure exactly what happened but was watching the camera and saw a group pecking something so ran out, it was an egg that was laid in the coop not the nest box THANK GOD!!!!! But then went to peek since another chicken went into her box to lay so wanted to take her out. Heard peeping and one baby was out of the nest box trying to get back in. then saw the other chicken peck something so looked and it was the other baby! So quickly grabbed her out, went to put the fluffed baby back in and the broody pecked it. So grabbed both and put them in the incubator. The other baby that was pecked was still wet and cool (not cold) since it was in the corner of the nest box not under the broody. It has a scratch mark on its head. So fingers crossed warming and drying up all will be fine with it.
Sorry for your broody drama! Hopefully you got them in time and all will be well.
Well my broody did not work out. So know to not let her try again. Not sure exactly what happened but was watching the camera and saw a group pecking something so ran out, it was an egg that was laid in the coop not the nest box THANK GOD!!!!! But then went to peek since another chicken went into her box to lay so wanted to take her out. Heard peeping and one baby was out of the nest box trying to get back in. then saw the other chicken peck something so looked and it was the other baby! So quickly grabbed her out, went to put the fluffed baby back in and the broody pecked it. So grabbed both and put them in the incubator. The other baby that was pecked was still wet and cool (not cold) since it was in the corner of the nest box not under the broody. It has a scratch mark on its head. So fingers crossed warming and drying up all will be fine with it.
Perhaps give her another chance. If it was her first time, she may have been confused and unsure what the heck was going on. I'd worry more about the other chickens pecking at eggs and chicks.

I let one of my OEGB hatch out a clutch in November, while still in the enclosure with the roo and two other hens. three hatched although only two survived (found one chick dead with no wounds) and they were raised by the whole flock. There was one egg though that had started hatching that had it's poor feet sticking out and pecked. I tried putting it back under the broody, but found it kicked out again later. Thought the chick was dead but noticed very very faint movement from a very very cold (and injured) chick. I breathed on it to warm it up until the incubator was up to temp. That chick is now a lovely little cockerel, albeit missing toes!

I know, that had nothing to do with your situation, but I felt like sharing. :)

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