April 2023 Hatch-A-Long

I don’t have a lot of experience but I’ve found it depends on how many have hatched in the same time frame. Do you have a fan in your incubator?
Yes it's the NR360. I went a head and moved them to the makeshift brooder. But where I live it's a constant struggle with humidity being high. I live on the Gulf Coast of TX.
Yes it's the NR360
They can stay in for quite a while until they dry off. I’d have to look it up but I think 12-24 hours they could stay in since they don’t technically need food. Someone will hopefully correct me if I’m wrong.

I’ve had some come out after 4 hours and some much later. I have the kebbonix though and it’s a tight space so I tend to remove them as soon as possible.
They can stay in for quite a while until they dry off. I’d have to look it up but I think 12-24 hours they could stay in since they don’t technically need food. Someone will hopefully correct me if I’m wrong.

I’ve had some come out after 4 hours and some much later. I have the kebbonix though and it’s a tight space so I tend to remove them as soon as possible.
I went a head and moved them. They where following me every time I passed the incubator and kicking eggs all around.
12 eggs went into lockdown this morning! Several of the babies were not happy about being candled again but I went as fast as I could. I was only expecting 7 to make it to lockdown given how a lot of people say that’s a good hatch from shipped eggs but I’m not complaining!
Sorry for the lapse in updates. Busy time of the year here so not able to get on as much as usual.

Today 11 out of 12 eggs are going into lockdown. I did a random candling last night and everything looks good to go. Air cells are enlarging and the embryos are growing.

Since they are bantam eggs they could start hatching in 48 hours so a day earlier on the lock down. Now here is where the braying and hoping starts.:fl

This is the 4th generation on my SDW and BBR OEGB birds from vaccinated breeding stock. So far nobody has shown any signs of the Marek's disease that ravaged my flock 7 years ago.
Ok major facepalm here! I have been wondering why the air cells are so small on my eggs, and I realized today that I have had the air vent closed the whole time. 🙄 And @Waterfaery even asked me if I was sure the air vent was open and I was like “yes!” Well, clearly I am still figuring this new incubator out but at least I know for next time. I am actually surprised these eggs are still alive after all they have been through this hatch!
Ok major facepalm here! I have been wondering why the air cells are so small on my eggs, and I realized today that I have had the air vent closed the whole time. 🙄 And @Waterfaery even asked me if I was sure the air vent was open and I was like “yes!” Well, clearly I am still figuring this new incubator out but at least I know for next time. I am actually surprised these eggs are still alive after all they have been through this hatch!
You're going to have the hardiest chicks EVER!
Last of my April hatcher should be going into lockdown in a day. I don't have my hopes up, some don't look good at all...

April 2023 has been the WORST month of the year! And that includes me freezing my b*** off in -50 weather with heaters that could not supply enough. Everything in my trailer froze. Spent two days curled up in bed with my dog as a heat source!

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