April 2023 Hatch-A-Long

The wrong end pip is hatched now; hatched on its own after about 24 hours. The one that pipped on the end of the egg managed to turn herself around and pipped again in the normal place, then hatched on her own! I have 12 out now, 1 zipping and 3 more pips! 2 of the pips are also on the wrong end but hopefully they will hatch just fine like the other one did.
That is great!!!
#7 and 8 out of the shell now.

First 6 had to be moved to the big brooder box as they were having a gang cuddle puddle in the incubator and trying to crawl under one another.

Last three are well pipped and one is showing signs of being restless. I'll take a picture when they are all hatched.
9 chicks made their way into the brooder, 7 white and 2 black! Three eggs left in the incubator (two pipped) but I'm not super hopeful for them. Still 9/12 isn't bad at all for shipped eggs! They're such friendly little things, crawling all over my hands when I was adjusting their food and water.
9 chicks made their way into the brooder, 7 white and 2 black! Three eggs left in the incubator (two pipped) but I'm not super hopeful for them. Still 9/12 isn't bad at all for shipped eggs! They're such friendly little things, crawling all over my hands when I was adjusting their food and water.
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OMG they are so cute! What breed are they again?
Well I had two get stuck zipping in the middle of the night. I did an assisted hatch for them this morning but I think I was too late. One of them had the membrane all stuck to her & I had to peel it off. They are in the incubator but I don’t think they will make it. Of course they are both blue which was the color I wanted but I will try again next time.
Fortunately I have 14 healthy chicks in the brooder who are doing great.

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