APRIL FOOLS HATCH, give or take a day.....who's in ??

OMG my little blue baby is still the only one out but it is a crazy little baby! S/he is bouncing all over the bator and trying to figure out how to bust through the hardware cloth I put up to keep them from falling off the shelf. LOL! I think this one is a keeper be it roo or pullet cuz I'm already in love with it's adorable personality. Hopefully it can inspire it's siblings to get a move on so it has some company!
I am in lockdown, 21st day is Tuesday. Wait on those Sultans and Sussex, come on babies, lets pip!
My update:

Day 24 - 6 of 17 hatched, one pipped but making no progress. Leaving all the eggs in the bator till Tuesday and thinking happy thoughts for them.

I have 3 easter eggers, one black copper marans, one buff orp and one barred rock.

I also have 31 hatchery chicks arriving the first week of May so I may not attempt to hatch again this year. It probably depends on whether or not I can find SF and Welsummer eggs this season -- I'd give those a go.
They will be sex linked. The cockrels will have white dots on heads (easy to see when they dry out) and chance of having blue barring when they feather out. Your girls will be blue or black marans in appearence.

Cute lil' girl you have there. Sad for me to admit but rather squimish of slimmy things. Fond of dry fluffy butts!
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wooooooooooooooooooooooooo we have our first pip ever , and i cant stray away from the bator now cuz all 21 of them are rockin wow its amazing how much fun and um ahh addicting this is lol. and yes jersey giants rule by the way
there beatin my orps on this hatch , i bet my kids icecream my jersys would beat them out of there eggs.

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