APRIL FOOLS HATCH, give or take a day.....who's in ??


I am glad we had so many able to join us. We'll have to update the egg tally with baby tally , put them side by side and do a total, once everyone has finished who joined up.

I had a good April Fools scare, thinking I was going to lose so many while I was at work due to the extremely high humidity, to come home to success was wonderful.

Only one baby struggling, has crooked toes, is all gimped, is in a box in my daughters room with a hot water bottle and a lamp. She is hoping his toes will straighten out, I told her its chances weren't in favor, but, we'd give it a chance.

Crooked toes are a fairly easy fix, the chick just needs some Shoes, or as Forest Gump said "Magic shoes". Check out this thread.

Woo hoo! 1 of 3 out! Pipped last night around 2am, checked this morning at 6 and no progress, then totally out by 8... Feisty little bugger too - been all over the bator and peeping like mad!

It's SO cute! I think it's a blue... This one is a cross between my BR hen and my blue copper Marans roo... I think I read that will make a sexlink right? Anyone know how to tell if it's a boy or girl?

Here are the first pics


Well today is day 23, and my 6 Rhode Island red chicks were panting, so with no visible pips, I removed them, then found that one of the Cochin eggs is pipped. Looks like there is still hope for my shipped eggs!!!
day 23. candled and float tested my one good egg. saw that the chick's head is positioned near the air cell, but didn't see any movement. same thing with the float test, the egg didn't move, but it floated properly.

is my chick dead? or is there still hope? I candled just before lockdown and saw movement, and seeing that tiny baby moving around just tugged on my heartstrings- i'm in love with this little thing. I'm gonna be heartbroken if it doesn't make it. i feel so helpless doing nothing, but i know there's really nothing i can do.
We had 2 hatch on day 23.... nothing else
about to start day 25....we just did the float test
all eggs were low floaters.... I think this means they are viable.. none sank and noe floated way up high
but not much movement
what should I do??
Wait another day and then call it quits???
8 more eggs in there!!
Poor babies.. hoping they can make it out!!
But we do not have much hope now...
ok its day 20 for us and we can see good egg movenment and can hear peeps in the eggs, my bbs jersey giants are the first to make some noise ,the lavender and bbs orps are in a close second ,but i knew my giants would prevail lol:gig this is my first incubator hatch without a broody so its egciting for me and the kids 21 eggs out of 29 made it to lockdown , not bad for shipped eggs so i hear. comon chics i wanna see some blues!!!!!!!
sorry daniellenoel. good news is 2 did hatch, I would give it another day, but I think your expectations are in the right place.
very good learning experience for your kids, sorry it tastes sour right now. keep your chin up. you sound like a caring teacher.
Just had a miracle chick late on day 22.. Didn't want to post until the outcome looked good. I candled the few eggs left after my hatch and saw one tapping at the shell, unable to pip.. No peeping. I pipped for it just to see and it was shrinkwrapped (had been in my hovabator - ugh!).. It was SO weak it couldn't even peep and was gasping for air so I just cleared the membrane and let it be, figuring at least it would be warm and not suffocating, should it not make it.. after a few hours it started peeping!! I have cleared all the membrane now and it's out of the shell and doing fine, drying off and bouncing around like a normal turken chick. YAY!

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