April Hatch Along

So unfortunately One of the two bantam mixes past away but our neighbor whos hatching duck eggs called and said that a chicken had hatched out of one of the eggs! and so we took her in and Mama gladly took her in
Im very excited Today, i had checked in on my Favorite Chicken Mama and found two lil' surprises!

Two little chickies chirping away! at first i thought they were a Polish/Jersey Giant mix but now that i see this one it looks almost as if she has a muff, so Polish/Easter egger? all well im still so happy they hatched!
So unfortunately One of the two bantam mixes past away but our neighbor whos hatching duck eggs called and said that a chicken had hatched out of one of the eggs! and so we took her in and Mama gladly took her in
So sweet!!! Sorry you lost a baby
But so happy your neighbor had one to slip under momma
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I set 101 in anticipation of infertile eggs. I'm down to 87 eggs already. I had 5/12 keepers from the first set of shipped eggs. I have 37 more shipped eggs to candle on Thursday. I have 46 of my own eggs after finding a few infertile so far.
Of my last 106 shipped egg batch I only have 22 chicks. I've changed some things this time so I'm hoping for a better hatch rate, but my 1 rooster (to 18 hens) sometimes misses the mark. Lol. 20 more chicks from the shipped eggs would still give me a better selection for breeders. Many chicks from my flock will be sold to cover costs.

Sounds expensive! :eek:
By the way, your rooster may not be missing the mark, with 18 hens he probably has a few favorites and spreads himself thin, so some of the ladies may not even be...ummm...getting any. :D

 WE HAVE 2 PIPS!!!! :weee  I am so ridiculously excited!!!  Trying not to get my hopes up too much, but 2 external PIPS!!! :)  Lots of rocking and a few chirps! So one pip is between the 14 and 18 day marked air cel lines, but the other egg is below the air cel line?! I'm a bit nervous about the size of the air cels, although better than last time, a few are still a bit small. :fl  

   We now have 3 pips!!!!!  

Oops, wrong quote of yours but :ya for the pips and chicks!! It is exciting huh!!

By the way, as the chick gets into hatching position, the air cell changes shape dramatically. So although it may look like it pipped above the line, if it's just below your day 18 mark, it's probably thru the air cell.

3  of my duck eggs have external pips now...and the baby that piped yesterday is working on zipping his egg:weee not sure what is happening with the last 2...no action yet! Come on duckies!!!! Maybe by tomorrow they will be out:D

:weee c'mon little duckies!
Come on little brothers and sisters...this baby needs company! My chicks are always really tired the first 24 hours or so after they hatch! It's a lot of work getting out of that egg

How long does it usually take for them to be able to stand?This one is scooting all over and knocking eggs around but can't stand yet. The other two pips have just gotten bigger and I can clearly see its beak, and movement in the other!!!

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