are 6.5 week bantams able to be outdoors in 60-70 degree night temps?


12 Years
Mar 5, 2007
We have 7 Milles Fleurs bantams, 6.5 weeks, now in a large cage in a barn. I put a heat lamp on at night (temps mid-70's). They seem feathered out. I have a large outdoor cage--on grass--with attached small dog house with raised floor for night shelter. Days are warm--80's, nights low 60's. I'd really like to give them access to outdoors but am concerned about night temps. In the past our young chicks have huddled in the dog house at night and seem to do fine. Should I wait another week?
They should be fine, at that age, most hens have left their chicks outside to fair with the temperature themselves, it is the same case with these guys, as long as they are feathered out, the will stay warm enough
They should be all feathered out, and do fine out there. Are they Belgian d'Uccles? Booted bantams? They will need a larger coop and a safe coop and run; how about some pictures of your coop? I've had Belgian d'Uccles for a very long time and really like them. Mary


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So far so good! 5 are Mille Fleur d'Uccles and 2 Porcelain d'Uccles. We have had Milles Fleurs (adopted) and they fit in well to a mixed flock. Eventually, they will be in the barn at night.
I like your Bible verse!

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