Are all male ducks aggressive?

You do it the same way a drake dominates any other duck. My daughter used a thick stick to "peck" our grumpy drake anytime he got anywhere near her. If he's looking at you and walking toward you while you're facing him, he's probably looking for a confrontation. You can also hold him down to the ground like he does when he mounts the females. Head against the ground, neck stretched, body flat. I like to reserve that for an actual attack and hold him there until he stops struggling.
I normally walk around with a "walking stick" and like someone else said.. its great for bumping everything from drakes to bulls.
I am going through that right now. And apparently I did the wrong thing by being affectionate and cuddly with him. I have been taken the stick advice but instead I have just been using my finger. I lightly peck him when he goes after me or my dogs. It seems to be working. He's been backing away and hasn't bit again.
If it makes you feel better, I've never had a drake aggressive towards people at all. However mine are not cuddly pets that I handle a lot. I enjoy watching them and hanging out with them a lot and they are comfortable hanging out with me, but never really bonded in the way that they'd think I was a flock mate. That's probably because I usually have at least half a dozen when I'm raising ducklings, so they are ducks and I am a person. I've had one or two that were aggressive towards the other drakes. I culled them, I won't have abnormal aggression here. I don't mind a bit of pushing and feather pulling and pecking order stuff, but I want them to be generally peaceful. This time of year I have all of my ducks together, I have about 25 total with 7 drakes in the mix. Come spring, I'll have a couple of breeding pens and a bachelor pen to protect the girls from too much activity. I don't expect any problems with the boys.
I've had ducks all my life (which is a very long time) and I've never had or even met an aggressive drake. Lots of my friends have ducks, there are ducks at all the parks; I've met a lot of ducks in several different countries and none has been aggressive

I've got 8 drakes right now, no problems with any of them. I've never had an issue with my drakes being aggressive with each other, either. I raise them like ducks, not like house pets or lap dogs, and that might make a difference.
Wow, if you have that many drakes, then how many hens do you have? (and curious as to what breed?)
The only aggressive drake that I had is a drake that "mysteriously" showed up at my house a few months ago. I think someone dropped him off and threw him across the fence in my chicken yard. Now I know why. He tried to bully everyone in the chicken yard so the turkeys gave him a quick lesson in "How To Get Along With Others" & "Play Nice With Your Yard Buddy." After that, no more aggressive drake.
I don't think so but i did have one.. he was sold LOL My oldest drake is not and neither are my younger drakes.. All my birds are free ranged daily and while they are "pets" I am not cuddly nor into petting them, i do talk to them and can lift them if needed however.
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My ducks I think are both drakes. Up until about a few days ago they were pretty passive. We changed the area where they "stay" and they've lost it! The won't stay at the pond anymore and come back up to the barn. I don't know what is wrong. They weren't particularly cuddly or approachable anyway. But they've been aggressive with one another plus and this is what got me annoyed - they pinned a chicken of mine. I will admit I am partial to the chickens and did not handle this behavior well. I can't let the chickens free range b/c the ducks attack. Ugh! I'd like to figure out what is causing their behavior so I can fix it. Any help is appreciated.

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