Are my chickens sick or just gross?

Thanks, everybody. Broccoli will be removed from the menu for a while
Apple Cider Vinegar not distilled or white vinegar is good for digestion and actually helps with internal parasites. It is mixed 1 tsp per 1 gallon of water.

Mine have had ACV in their water since they were 1 week old at least 4 times per week.
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are you giving your birds any kind of seeds ??? (some will give bird seeds or the birds will get into bird seeds set out in a feeder... that or they have access to wild seeds while foraging and in excess this can produce the tarry-like faeces you are seeing...also fruit such as blueberries, cherries or such can do the same can also indicate your birds are not eating (enough) or intestinal bleeding somewhere (sometimes from internal parasites)
To be sure what is going on you would need to take a fresh ample amount to the vet and have a "faecal float " done... this should not be expensive and is always useful as if it does not identify the problem it can rule out some.
If it were me I would first cut out all treats and limit foraging to see if it is a particular substance they are eating causing the problem first....if you have not ever had them on a medicated starter I would in that case take a sample in immediately to see if it was cocci.
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Interesting cecum factoids:

Cecal poop is poop from the cecum. People have a cecum too, it is the appendix...
The cecum is an outpocketing from the small bowel &
has lots of extra bacteria in it. Some people think it can repopulate a depleted GI tract with normal bacteria. IE diarrhea or antibiotics wipe out the normal flora- and the cecum can repopulate it.

Some animals have huge cecums (or would that be ceci?like rabbits) and do most of their fermentation/digestion in them. Some animals like people have useless little regressed cecums that occasionally cause a big problem if they get impacted and rupture...

Cecal poop is a bacterial soup (stinky & not much food matter in it). So looks (and is) very different than the rest of the poop coming through.

Get to know the cecal poop, so you can tell the difference between cecal poop and true diarrhea.

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