Are people really this ignorant about chicken biology?

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I know what you mean, they often seem to know nothing about where their food comes from. Next time you see them ask them where they think chocolate milk comes from. lol

Well there are a lot of different kinds of cows that give different kinds of milk. Jerseys, guernseys, hersheys....
i can totally understand not knowing about chickens..i mean, if you dont have an interest in chickens, why would you learn about them?
it doesnt make you stupid at all.
for instance, i know nothing about cars...i couldnt fix a thing on them if i tried. why? because i dont have that interest.
in my opinion, arrogance is far worse than ignorance.
You would think that RNs had taken a basic biology course... maybe it didn't stick?

I never cease to be amazed at people who have their masters degrees yet can't spell simple words like they're/their/there or you're/your... How do you make it through 8 years of college and not get that?

I'm not knocking someone who was never exposed to something so doesn't know it-but I have basic expectations of what someone who has been through higher education should know, you know what I mean?
motherof5boys1girl wrote:
i dont know where you come from..but i have yet to see people mating in public.

I worked in San Francisco at the telephone company in the 60s. My hours were 6 pm to midnight. There was a telephone booth near the front door of the building and sometimes prostitutes would service men in the phone booth. If they weren't paying attention the door would close all the way and the light inside the booth would come on. That was on the edge of the Tenderloin (for those in the know) near Chinatown. Not real gritty inner city, but gritty enough to impress me as a 20 year old!
Some of my best friends are bright, curious, knowledgeable RNs who are aware of the sort of general knowledge that one would hope everyone has to get by in the world.

Then there are the other ones ...

Like the RN at my friend's department who had the honestly-and-firmly-held belief that the sun and the moon were the same celestial body, appearing at different times.

But, my friend tried to demonstrate, look, there's the moon in the sky right now, and there's the sun.

She was in her forties and had never noticed this.

How does one get to adulthood with this kind of misconception about the basic way the world works? Even if you never looked up, even if you never had a class in basic science that included looking at a model of the solar system, it's not like the general culture is bereft of this fact.

What scares me is the incurious attitude that one has to have to maintain some levels of ignorance -- especially about a biological subject, when one's work is all about the care and repair of the body.

I've met doctors and med students just as ignorant about chicken biology or the biology of other animals -- BAD -- but the thing that scairt me most about several nurses, both mature and kids, is that they would ARGUE with me about what they knew for absolutely sure that just weren't so. The docs and med students have the good sense to be embarrassed about their misconceptions. Some of the nurses have gotten huffy and tried to be authoritative.

The specifics of reproductive biology for each species are all unique and weird, but basics such as pregnancy being (normally) required for lactation, and the sex/baby connection in higher animals -- this is not like rebuilding an engine block. This is like identifying a car vs. a tractor.
I loved the tenderloin area We used to walk through there to go to Sam Wos, excellent Chinese food, real dump but the food was excellent. I was always worried about those lights coming on.
Man, I love this thread! Great info and its exersising my brain!

I totally agree with LA Poulet previous post.

Sometimes people place to much emphasis on education. If I had a choice to choose between a Phd. and common sence...................I would choose common sence any day, all day long.

I know EXTREMELY educated people who can't do even the simplist of tasks. Like making macaroni and cheese from a box, or changing a vacum cleaner belt.

Common sence gets you through life, not knowing how to put a man on mars! Secondery education is important, but sorry, it does not get you through life folks!

But, then again as I said earlier...................we all play a small part in the bigger picture of life around here!

Hey are we still talkin' about chickens in this chicken forum?
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LA~Poulet :

You would think that RNs had taken a basic biology course... maybe it didn't stick?

I never cease to be amazed at people who have their masters degrees yet can't spell simple words like they're/their/there or you're/your... How do you make it through 8 years of college and not get that?

I'm not knocking someone who was never exposed to something so doesn't know it-but I have basic expectations of what someone who has been through higher education should know, you know what I mean?

They made a whole game show based on what you just said. This is why "Are you smarter than a 5th grader?" works​
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