Are these cochins, if so what color?


11 Years
Mar 17, 2008
Northern NY
I'm pretty sure these are standard sized cochins. I have 4 of them. Two a little darker than the others. They were fuzzy as chicks and have feathers on their legs.



Here is a chick picture of them just incase.


They were also hatched the weekend before Memorial Day.
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Here's the list of what they could be if they aren't cochins. I ordered the Rarest of The Rare breeds from McMurray Hatchery.
Sumatras, Dominiques, Golden Laced and Silver Penciled Wyandottes, Silver, Golden, Buff Laced, and White Polish, Golden Campines, Golden Penciled Hamburgs, Silver Penciled Rocks, Partridge, Black, Buff, Blue, & Silver Laced and White Cochins, Araucanas, Dark and Buff Brahmas, Phoenix, Fayoumis, Salmon Faverolles, W. L. Red Cornish, Lakenvelders, Black and White Langshans, Red Caps, Silver Leghorns, Crevecoeurs, Silver Gray Dorkings, Modern BB Red Games, Sultans, Buttercups, & Spanish
Looking at, I think they look more like a brahma than a cochin. Either way the color looks partridge to me. I have some cochins and their legs are way more feathered than that, but the comb seems wrong for a brahma. Maybe someone with experience in brahmas will show up.

Those are the only two breeds from that list that could remotely fit.
They may not look like cochins but there is no partridge brahmas. I believe the first pic is a partridge cochin but they are suppose to be alot fluffier. How old are they?
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