Are these what I think they are?


Oct 14, 2021
Once again, my mom has randomly brought home two chickens so now we have a total of 12. I currently have them separated in a large space underneath the coop attached to the run. Looking at them and hearing them chirp, I can assume they're 6 weeks old? My knowledge of breeds only goes as far as the ones I already have so I went to Google and I think the small brown one is a rhode island red (it's got some black on its tail) while the other is a splashed laced red wyndotte? Or is it blue? It's got really long legs lol.

I also hope they're both girls but might be too early to tell?


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It looks like a blue to me. I can't remember exactly the name of the breed, but I know one that looks just like that. Also, they look frighteningly thin. They also both look like cockerels to me
Malays as in those tall ones?? Wow! Are they cockerels because of the comb and leg thickness? The comb looks small but still, I'm not an expert. Last time I thought I had a cockerel it ended up actually being a hen.

If they end up cockerels, they gotta be rehomed unfortunately or eaten by someone (not me). Dw, if I can keep them they'll definitely be cared for better!
Malays as in those tall ones?? Wow! Are they cockerels because of the comb and leg thickness? The comb looks small but still, I'm not an expert. Last time I thought I had a cockerel it ended up actually being a hen.

If they end up cockerels, they gotta be rehomed unfortunately or eaten by someone (not me). Dw, if I can keep them they'll definitely be cared for better!
There are no wattles but those are pretty red combs. It really depends on age. Were they sold as pullets?
There are no wattles but those are pretty red combs. It really depends on age. Were they sold as pullets?
Not sold but literally picked off from some fobish Cambodian guy's farm. We're also Cambodian (Southeast Asian). Apparently he had dozens all over and just gave two to my mom.

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