Are they *actually* Araucanas? Genders? (lots of pics!)

I think they are either ameraucanas or easter eggers, it's quite hard to tell for me. Araucanas have the tufts, not muffs, if that makes sense.
I'm in the UK - this one looks just like my lavender aracaunas, mine were both girlies

So you can't see any roosters?
I probably shouldn't get my hopes up...
Do you need any closeups of saddle or hackle feathers?
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If they are 5 months, the saddle and hackle feathers would be pretty obvious. I think you've got some girls that are getting ready to start laying.
they look very similar to my amerucanas very pretty colors mine are all sorts of colors. I had to look at pics of others chickens to idenify mine
Yep, looks like you are just fine for the Australian standard! Most countries don't require the cheek-tufts because it's a lethal gene when two copies are inherited. In most standards, both tailed and rumpless is allowed. And yes, you do have one UK Ameraucana (a very pretty bird!).

They all look female to me as well. You are one lucky owner of a bunch of lovely Ameraucanas!

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