Are you a Roo?!

Thank you for your input! I'm so heartbroken, they are all so lovely. Statistically speaking, what are the odds I'd choose all cockerels 😅 and good to know about colours! Most EEs I see are more beige.

The odds even up over enough birds, but it's awkward when you get on the wrong side of the statistics. :(

EEs can come in any color and have any appearance -- their one defining characteristic is the blue or green eggs. Though some birds sold as EEs don't lay blue or green -- they just have a bird who laid that color somewhere in their ancestry (I don't approve of hatcheries selling EEs that didn't hatch from colored eggs, but that's how things are).
Nope. 😅 These were my first 5 chicks...ever. What are the chances of getting all cockerels, eh?! Heartbreaking. I'll be keeping Star, but will have to rehome the others😭
Well if you don't care about eggs and they are more as pets you could have a only rooster flock, if you wanted. They will not fight each other because there are no hens around.
Welcome to BYC. Peep *might* be a girl. The comb is pretty red, but it's also smaller than the others. More likely not, but possible. :(

I'm in the same boat -- hatched a bunch of Olive Eggers, only two were female, and I lost one of those to a hawk.
Yeah, no false hope there. Peeps def a boy.
Yes, any chicken that has (or potentially has), the gene for blue eggs is an Easter Egger regardless of what they look like. :)
I know what you mean, but its poorly worded. Though an EE does satisfy those points, so can Ameraucanas, Araucanas, CCLBs, the list goes on.
OK, an EE is anything that is potentially carrying the blue egg gene that is not one of the standardized blue-laying breeds.
Basically a mutt that happens to lay colored eggs. They can lay white or brown, but are more well known for their blue/green eggs. Yeah, I know you very well know your stuff, just thought it might be confusing to others.

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