are you white egg layer people happy (Sept '10)

I should add that I only have 1 white egg layer, my buttercup. I'm going for the colorful easter basket.
I have two white egg layers: the Lakenvelder Sisters, Millicent and Minerva. When I sell eggs, I sell a variety - each dozen includes two green eggs, two white eggs, one very dark brown egg, one dark brown egg, and the rest vary from light brown to very creamy tan. And they also vary in size, from not very big (I wouldn't say "small") to Pretty Darned Big.

My customers are thrilled with the variety.
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I have done the same thing in the past, but I don't officially have white egg layers, although some of my reds lay eggs too light for me to really feel they are brown. I have read many times about production breeds being in the hatchery stock and looking at the bodies on some of my birds and judging from the egg color, I am inclined to believe that, but even so.......where are my eggs???
I have had customers look at my eggs and make comments that they thought farm fresh eggs were brown and you got white eggs in stores.........informed them that the same hens that lay white eggs they get in stores; I can get them to have at home. Its amazing what people think sometimes.
But if I have a customer that doesn't care for white eggs.......fine. I can give them what they want; if I have it. Regardless, if I have white eggs, at least I can eat some fresh yard eggs myself.
I kinda broke it to DH. I told him I can order just 6 and mix them with my reds and told him that the offspring would be sex linked, so I would know what was what. He was making wine at the time and I was coming up with a concoction of non-fat dry milk, corn grits and cayanne pepper in a big pot to freak out the chickens diet a little. He knows they have slacked, so he was considering the problem with me.

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