Arizona Chickens


You need video!
So is it one dot Mikey? Ive got mine still locked up, I think I will tell the kids to let everyone out when they get ready for school. Trying not to piss the neighbors off to bad.
Thanks Mahorni!

Meg pointed out the street on which you live when we did the Tour.

I suggested stopping by to say Hi, but she said that would be creepy.

She evidently has a greater sense of decorum than myself - but that's not saying very much

All she would have had to do was give me a ring. I think she has my cell number. I could have given you the coop tour in my back yard.

NOW who's the paranoid stooped? Sorry Mikey, would have made a great stop.
So I go outside armed with hot water to melt the ice off their waterer get that taken care of come insidefor about ten min then go back out and wouldn't you know it there was already a thin layer of ice on the waterer I just defrosted!
I'm so getting a heated waterer today!

That's what we have. A bachelor pad. It works nicely. I haven't had a rooster aggression issue In a long time.

Thank you Both!! Today I have errands to run in phx and won't be around to keep an eye on them. Tonight or tomorrow night, I will make introductions and see how they do.

Pictures of Rocky the Roo as promised. He is maturing nicely. Look how long his Saddle feathers have gotten. His comb has changed too, he seems to be growing a new point right in the middle of his crest. His spurs are long, but Bill (his new dad) wouldn't let me trim them for him. Says he wants him fully armed to protect the ladies.



Everyone stay warm. Looks like our high here will only be mid 40's today. Glad I will be in sunny Phx most of the day.
Wow! We were out at the Superstitions yesterday and they had snow and 4 Peaks was COVERED in snow! I remember seeing pictures of when they built the Mesa Temple there was snow on the ground. Wonder if we will get that much snow?

Found the picture.
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