Arizona Chickens

That's what we have. A bachelor pad. It works nicely. I haven't had a rooster aggression issue In a long time.

Thank you Both!! Today I have errands to run in phx and won't be around to keep an eye on them. Tonight or tomorrow night, I will make introductions and see how they do.

Pictures of Rocky the Roo as promised. He is maturing nicely. Look how long his Saddle feathers have gotten. His comb has changed too, he seems to be growing a new point right in the middle of his crest. His spurs are long, but Bill (his new dad) wouldn't let me trim them for him. Says he wants him fully armed to protect the ladies.

Everyone stay warm. Looks like our high here will only be mid 40's today. Glad I will be in sunny Phx most of the day.

That roo is beautiful!
He is a Mahonri special blend....white crested Polish and SQ blue Wheaten Am mix. Mahonri gave him to me last December, but this summer he got a feather up his butt and started flogging my Grandbabies. So, I rehomed him to a friend that free ranges a little flock and wanted a tough roo to protect the hens. Last month I took 3 black sexlink pullets over for Rocky and got some updated Pics for Mahonri. This was Mahonri's favorite Rooster. Dar had planned on giving me a different Rooster, but had to make changes at the last minute and I wound up with his loved Pet. Keeping tabs on Rocky helps eliminate my guilt. I hated giving him away. It was a spur of the moment decision. My Granddaughter came in crying with cuts and scratches that morning. So, when Bill (a friend) came over to pick up some hens and commented again how much he wanted that roo. I just threw him in the cage with the pullets.
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No heat lamps here. My chickens didn't get heat lamps when I lived on the WY border. I remember one storm with actual temps of -28 degrees and 50-60mph winds, making the windchills really, really cold, like nearly 100 degrees below zero. I didn't have a heat lamp in the coop but maybe that would have been a good time for it. I didn't have electricity to the coop at the time. They did fine, no frostbite or dead birds. 31 above zero is downright toasty warm.
Newbie here, terrified about the cold 29 degrees last night. Our coop is a three sided with run incorporated. But not only were they perfectly fine this morning, I got an egg
But I am still concerend about tonight. I'm wondering if I should wedge my extra piece of plywood over the "coop" portion or if they'll be ok.

No heat lamps here. My chickens didn't get heat lamps when I lived on the WY border. I remember one storm with actual temps of -28 degrees and 50-60mph winds, making the windchills really, really cold, like nearly 100 degrees below zero. I didn't have a heat lamp in the coop but maybe that would have been a good time for it. I didn't have electricity to the coop at the time. They did fine, no frostbite or dead birds. 31 above zero is downright toasty warm.
No heat lamps here. My chickens didn't get heat lamps when I lived on the WY border. I remember one storm with actual temps of -28 degrees and 50-60mph winds, making the windchills really, really cold, like nearly 100 degrees below zero. I didn't have a heat lamp in the coop but maybe that would have been a good time for it. I didn't have electricity to the coop at the time. They did fine, no frostbite or dead birds. 31 above zero is downright toasty warm.

Keeping them draft free is a good idea. Make sure they have a nice wind break but good ventilation. I added some tarps to my open chicken coop, although my meat chickens are sleeping on the ground outside in the open so they're not protected at all. They could go in the coop and choose not to.
Geeze I live just down the road from you in Wittmann and we didn't get any snow! Ice in the water buckits tho.

I bet you could see the storm from Wittman though..... Glad you didn't.

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