Arizona Chickens


I don't know if anybody has posted this because I haven't had time to keep up with the thread, but our Tucson Poultry, Pigeon & Fancy Fowl Club will be holding a spring show Saturday, March 21, that is a week from this Saturday, at the Arizona Feeds store, 4743 N. Highway Dr. We will be setting up at 8, once birds are cooped in, judging will commence. There will be Showmanship after the judging, a Table Top Serama judging, and exhibitors can bring for sale birds so there will be a buying opportunity ;) . I will probably have some Ameraucana chicks there for sale, and maybe some others, haven't decided yet. It is free and open to the public and thanks for Arizona Feeds for giving us the space for our spring show!

I'm thinking of your Ameraucana's... If I can figure out who's going & who's staying I would want 3.. Straight run, correct? I will look at the schedule.. I work Saturday's so we will see...
Guys, I havea question: can a chicken possibly lay 2 eggs in a day? I am asking because I only have 11 hens, and today I got 12 eggs! Did a chicken lay one in the middle of the night?

Hu?? They were probably far enough spaced in time.. :idunno
Leghorn? Possibly, they are laying machine's.. On average you are looking at 24-36 hours between a farm fresh egg..
Guess it's time for me to check in, too.  My 8  girls are all laying well and I have been sharing fresh eggs with the neighbors.  They love the fresh eggs and one elderly gentleman was wanting to pay me for them.  Nope, but I will make sure he gets a steady supply.  LOL

I am suffering from "chicken math", shock shock.  I have 25 eggs in the bator, 17 marans and  8 olive eggers.  Day 10, ooooh the suspense!  :fl   The eggs are so dark, I doubt if I will see anything in them but the air cell.  I'm dry hatching, so the air cells should be good.  Think I'll check them on day 14 to see what's going on. 

This is only my second time incubating eggs and am using the "hands off" method this time. Hoping for a bunch of adorable, fluffy little darlings around the 26th.  Wish me luck!

I've covered the top of the chicken run with shade cloth and have planted some birdhouse gourd seeds that I hope to grow on the chain link pen to provide some nice shade this sommer.  Plus, the gourds will be fun to turn into bird houses next year.

OK, back to lurking 'til hatch time.

Lot's of little ones soon.. How exciting
I got 4 eggs today! Can you tell I'm eggcited?
I only have 6 hens that are just starting to lay. They are doing well for their age. They will be 6 months old on the 24th.
I have a sweet 4 month old Ameraucana* roo to rehome. I call him flame because of his blue and red coloring, he's stunning but I am only keeping silkie roos for now. He's been raised on organic foods and handled a lot so he's friendly. * I've been told because of his coloring, he is NOT an Ameraucana but that's how the hatching eggs were sold to me by a breeder in Tucson. I'm north of Prescott.
If rooster's would only lay egg's!! :lau he will make a wonderful pet.. Our guy Burt is still afraid of me. The no crow collar freaked him out... But oh we'll, it better than the alternative
Hu?? They were probably far enough spaced in time.. :idunno
Leghorn? Possibly, they are laying machine's.. On average you are looking at 24-36 hours between a farm fresh egg..

No, not a leghorn. Cause I only got 1 whitle egg. I think that it was one of my RIR. Because I got one too many brown eggs.

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