Arizona Chickens

My 1.5 month old pullets stayed in their outside coop last night for the first time. I felt bad bc they seemed so scared after dark but I got up this morning (after a few check-ins overnight of course), and all was well. One of the times I went out to check on them, they all flew up into my lap & cuddled up. It was sweet but I had to put them down & go back inside. My husband laughed and said "they are definitely YOUR chickens" lol. I admit it's true. Do I love my chickens too much? :hmm🤣 Never too much love ❤️
How long have you all stored eggs at room temp before determining they are too old to eat?
I store mine in the fridge also so they last longer. I crack them into a bowl before adding them to a pan or recipe and if one looks off I dump it in the trash, that way it's just 1 egg in the bowl at a time instead of ruining a recipe.
I store mine in the fridge also so they last longer. I crack them into a bowl before adding them to a pan or recipe and if one looks off I dump it in the trash, that way it's just 1 egg in the bowl at a time instead of ruining a recipe.
That’s a really good idea. I'm always afraid the last one in will be something gross. 😂

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