Arkansas folks speak up.........

Hello fellow Arkies! I've been going through these posts starting at the first and following the people I saw that were around Fayetteville Arkansas. I'm trying to create a list of people to follow, around my area so that if I have a question about the weather or flea markets or looking for a particular breed of chicken, deseases, etc, I can ask around locally. Suddenly I realize there's a 1064 pages here and I can't go through all of them ! so I'm putting a shout out to people who live around Fayetteville so that I can post directly to you for type of breed or problem I'm having. Just last week I was looking for some Wheaten Marans chickens since my only rooster got raccoond while he was out feeding. So I lost my only beautiful Wheaten Marans rooster. Situations like this I wish I had known folks in The Backyard. So if you live around me in Fayetteville please let me know you're out there so I can start following you. thank you all and have a great 4th of July weekend.

Hey! I'm in Fayetteville! Just joined the forum and trying to figure out how to navigate it, so please add me! (haven't been on an old fashioned forum in a long time, mostly been looking at reddit and FB pages).
In Conway. Selling 2 Ayam Cemani Cockerels from GFF. $75 each.

I also have bantam Barred Phoenix for sell. Selling an adult breeding pair, and several younger birds. I think I have 2 pullets and 2 cockerels for sale. ($15 each) If anyone is looking message me here. I can provide pictures.
I have a salmon faverolles Rooster and proven broody hen( about 10 months old), an EE Hen that looks like a welsummer(10 months) and what i believe to be an EE x marans mix pullet (4 months) i'm trying to get rid of in bella vista, not asking much// PM if you are interested

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