Artificial Insemination....

i have never seen AI for sell for chickens

but i had to post to this because hubby says he wants to AI the goats

just kidding!
kind of funny though

edited to say : we no longer have a rooster, maybe you could sell the "stuff"

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If I do it right, I see fertile eggs the next day. I have had poor luck with fertility in my buff birds. Two years ago I had great luck, last year nothing unless I AI'd them. I chalked up the year prior to the hens not being as fluffy. However, I now notice the same rooster is getting his job done, so I am leaning toward him to be a fall breeder, not spring. Weird huh? Maybe I should set some eggs....
:| ...
Sorry...I'd pay good money to see this!!!!!!!!!!!!
We have bronze and white broad breasted turkeys...I was waiting for them to start mating when marlinchaser broke it to me that only AI would work as they are too big to mate....I asked my husband if he would, "assist." And hie reply was, "process, process, process!" LOL!!!!!!!!!!
Its rather easy, and not at all what you would think. I was given a demonstration the other day at the show. You basically rub the Roo down his back briskly a few times, then squeeze near his vent and the baby juice comes out. You take that, rub the hen the same way, squeeze hear her vent and rub or inject the baby juice into the oviduct. Not at ALL what I was expecting!!! And not NEARLY the equipment I had envisioned....
M@M@2four :

Really??? Not trying to be gross, but I'd love to see video footage of this. That's amazing!

i can't help it but this just makes me laugh!
sorry !

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