

8 Years
Mar 24, 2014
Does this look like water belly? Should I try drain her? Her vent looks fine. Checked her for parasites and other issues, but I don't see any. She acts just fine and is otherwise healthy it seems. I've tried several things but now that this has been going on several weeks, I just want to help her. Feels squishy.

Thanks for any suggestions.
She acts just fine and is otherwise healthy it seems.
If she's not having any difficulties like labored breathing, lethargy, acting like she's feeling poorly, crop not emptying, difficulty walking....(symptoms of being unwell), then I would not drain her. Observe and monitor.

The swelling may be Ascites, which is a Symptom. Fluid in the abdomen in laying hens is often due to reproductive disorders and/or organ dysfunction.

Draining is not a cure, it's a supportive care measure. Every time you stick to drain, you risk introducing bacteria. Some birds can go into shock as well. There's risks, so if she's acting fine, then taking such measures are not needed at this time.

Just my 2¢

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