Asparagus lubbers VS Asparagus haters (normal people) welcome to the battlefield

Really? Interesting. I would've used the informative reaction, but apparently some people can't handle it.
I can handle it. It's just the fact that I got in trouble for using it on the wrong things like some of you guys do. :oops:

It's just because people in charge like to use that reaction to see what people are learning, and now that I know that, I respect that. When a bunch of people are using that reaction just for fun, it makes it hard for those people to watch it. Plus I think I might of heard them threaten to remove it IF people keep using it wrong. :oops:
See here:

That's where I was told not to miss use it, and here's the post TALKING about the reaction. Please read:
Important Reminder:

We understand that the idea of what kind of post is "Informative" is incredibly subjective. That being said, we're definitely seeing cases where some members are using this reaction in a way that our team has determined is not an appropriate application of the reaction.

It's important that our members use the "informative" reaction with a bit more mindfulness than they might with the other reactions. We want to be able to leverage the data we receive from the use of this reaction to identify truly helpful and "informative" posts... and unfortunately when this reaction is used improperly, it messes up our data.

Again, we know this can be pretty subjective, but our team believes there are some clear examples of when this reaction should and should not be used.

For Example:

"The correct dosage for that treatment is xyz."​
"Ya, I agree!"​
"Here is where I was able to find someone who hatches xyz breed: "​
"My favorite breed is a Buff Orp!"​
"Here are instructions on how to tell the difference between x and y.........."​
"Your post was really funny, LOL!"​

Over the last few months while the dust settled on this new reaction, we've been pretty forgiving as our peeps learned how to use it. Now that we've had it in place for a while, we're going to be a bit more strict on the usage, especially if we determine members are abusing the use of the reaction.

We don't want to be crazy reaction-police, but we also want our members to respect this new feature.

To that end, if our team notices that members are using the tool improperly, we'll send out a note to inform and remind them of appropriate usage (linking to this post). If after receiving that note, we see that the usage is still being abused, we may need to remove that person's own reaction points and/or their ability to use reactions. This is something we'd VERY much like to avoid, and hopefully y'all can help us by asking your friends to be mindful of their usage of the "informative" reaction. :)

Hopefully this helps everyone understand what we're trying to accomplish with this new reaction. We really appreciate those that are using it to help bubble-up truly "informative" posts! :)

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