Asparagus lubbers VS Asparagus haters (normal people) welcome to the battlefield

A turkey? Oh man we are so done!

You wish. It is a TURKEY. They aren’t nearly as strong as my old rooster. He will kick that turkey and all the other roosters out of town!
Yeah right! Our turkeys are fierce. They will attack your rooster till he runs out of town! And they will peck him- hard. Turkey pecks hurt, especially with four of them.
My roo is so hawt and ripped that they put him on a calendar for crazy chicken ladies to stare at.

Y'all don't stand a chance😈
I already killed your roos hours ago anyways.
A turkey? Oh man we are so done!

You wish. It is a TURKEY. They aren’t nearly as strong as my old rooster. He will kick that turkey and all the other roosters out of town!
You wish. They are truly vicious. They would make each other (and us) bleed as poults. POULTS. She could take your rooster on any day. Especially with the help of Protective Father. He got his name for a reason. No one messes with him- unless you plan on not walking out of the fight alive-

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