Attack Duck

Yes you can.

Make duckling

Adult Females
I had asked about the type quack. The reference for that comment was due to the male appendage comment. ;)
I was referring to that in my comments trying to clear up how drakes are different reproductively.
Good post for vids, maybe the OP will recognize the type of quack from his duck.
Hello everyone.. I have a duck and a chicken.. They hatched the same day, Oct 5th, 2017, and been together since.. They are inseparable.. For the last 3 weeks or so the duck has been attacking me and everyone else that comes near him.. He also chases me to try to bite me, and does bite me.. I don't know what to do.. Help..
It could be protecting its friend.
I am sorry, but I find it funny that your avatar is the U.S. Marine symbol and this post is about a duck attacking .... :lau:lau:lau

Do you feed it from your hand? Is it the only duck you have? What kind of duck? It is spring mating season. Maybe it fancies you. ;) But, then I would be afraid it might fancy your chickens if it is a drake.

Hahaha... A Marine afraid of ducks :lau Just the one duck and one chicken.. I'm afraid he might try to mate with her also.. Not sure, but with the attitude I think it is a drake..
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My drake Gilbert does this exact thing to me, and nips my toes, heel, and when he sees me within a distance of 40 ft he charges after me as fast as his butt can go to get me. I can't wear sandals around him, or otherwise he especially goes for toes. It doesn't really hurt, Call duck bills are so stubby after all, but it gets annoying, and sort of scary so I run screaming from him sometimes.
Hormones I guess. Drake thing. He's either seeing me as a threat, or saying he's the boss. Him and his brother Jasper chase the roosters around, and are really aggressive to the chickens actually. They view ducks as a superior species.
Might want to stop that behavior. You can reprimand gently. A quick nip with your fingers to their beak or neck should do the trick.
I gently shove him away with my foot, or flip him over, but he doesn't seem to care. Luckily, it seems like I will be trading him in for some other ducks, so he won't be a problem for me anymore. Maybe he just hates me? Haha.

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