ATTN: Photographers... Digital Camera Discussion....

I had a Fuji Fine pix that did. I just thought they all did.
All the pictures that I've posted in the last few months have been taken with a Fuji Fine Pix. Its a nice little camera, but its our roomates, and I really want to start shooting better stuff. I'm hoping to start doing portraits and stuff like that again.
The Olympus is an excellent choice. I personally shoot Nikon, because I always have and I already had Nikon lenses. Personally I'm in love with my D70 - does everything I want it to and some of the things my BF's Canon won't
I especially like the flash control that Nikon has - it seems a better built-in flash system ( I can override the power ratio AND the aperture - his Canon can't) but I really think that at this point in the technology race there are no bad cameras . . . I'd make the choice based on budget, ergonomics and user-friendliness. In other words, if you can navigate the menu on the camera without reading the manual, you'll like using the camera. And of course put as much money into the lens as you can - that's what really makes the picture. Enjoy your new toy!!
I use a Minolta 7D because I had 5 lenses for it from the old 35mm days. Sony has since bought them out and the same camera is now called the Sony Alpha. BUT if I had to start from scratch I would go with Nikon. I have used Nikon and Canon and Nikon takes the cake. If you have a Sam's Club nearby, they have a Nikon package deal that is a steal.
The D70 is what started this entire adventure.

A fellow officer that I work with has a D70 (as well as another higher 'D' something), and was saying how he wanted to get the new D300 I think. Anyhow, I mentioned that I'd buy it from him if he wanted to sell it.

So before I bought something used, I decided to go to the camera store and see what I could find. Needless to say, when I left the thought of buying a used camera was no where to be found, and my "spend money" harmones were in full swing!
i have the e500 , and i love it! easy programs, it's the "last years" model of the e520 which i heard shots faster and has live view?.
I shoot with the Canon 20D. I went with canon because I already had a lot of Canon Glass. If you have any old EOS lenses they work with the digital bodies, you just have to factor in the digital conversion. If you have a 50mm lens it's a 1.5 conversion or a 75mm lens on a digital body.

Another thing is that there are other Canon digital bodies that aren't as expensive, but still have most all of the functions you'll ever need. Your big thing to look at is the megapixels of the "card". The higher the megapixels the better, though you will probably never need to print anything larger than what a 10 or 12 mp will print clearly.

Though it's good to get a dependable body, most of your image quality is in the lens... A great lens will elevate a mediocre body to great levels. Whereas, a great body with a mediocre lens will always be mediocre on image quality.

When you decide on a body check ebay for people selling off their old film camera sets with all their lenses. Say someone had an old Canon EOS 35mm and they decided to upgrade and are selling their whole setup you can get some great lenses that will work on the digital canon bodies for a song! I'm not sure about Nikon's ability to interchange.

All this being said, when people ask me what to buy, depending upon their needs I almost always send them to get the D70 if they didn't already have a canon platform. Lot of camera for the money with the D70.

Good luck,
I did notice that Walmart had the Nikon D40 kit with two lenses I think, but I just can't bring myself to buy such an expensive camera from a place like Walmart. It just doesn't seem right to me... LOL I'm always scared of getting a 'dud', and I feel more comfortable buying from a specialty store that actually services them if I have a problem.

And our specialty camera store (Arlington Camera) offers free digital classes when you buy from them...
I did notice that Walmart had the Nikon D40 kit with two lenses I think, but I just can't bring myself to buy such an expensive camera from a place like Walmart. It just doesn't seem right to me... LOL I'm always scared of getting a 'dud', and I feel more comfortable buying from a specialty store that actually services them if I have a problem.

And our specialty camera store (Arlington Camera) offers free digital classes when you buy from them...

Just make sure if you pick up an older model Canon or Nikon that it comes with the VR or IS lenses. Canon calls it Image Stabilization. Nikon deems it Vibration Reduction. The Oly 520 and 620 have in body stabilization so you are all set if you go with one of those.

The D40 kits here don't usually have the VR lenses, which are a nice upgrade. VR makes it easier to get clear handheld shots, which you may be doing a lot of when you take pictures of your chickens.

If you have a problem with your camera, you will likely need to send it to the factory for service, so it doesn't matter too much where you buy as long as it's a authorized reseller.

ef: spelling
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