August 2016 Hatch-A-Long

Eggs are 11 to 14 grams. 4 to 5 to match an extra large chicken egg from the store. I find a dozen eggs makes a nice breakfast. Scrambled, you can't tell the difference between a chicken and there's nothing like over medium with 12 tiny yolks instead of a couple big ones.

Over hard for me, please. Even slightly glistening yolks make me gag lol. How is the taste? I really like my guinea eggs; have yet to taste a turkey egg because the fox or racoon tends to get to them first.

There is a little brown quail running about that wants to hang out with my flock but my tom isn't having it. He's a grouch. Poor girl lost her mate and is lonely, I think.
Over hard for me, please. Even slightly glistening yolks make me gag lol. How is the taste? I really like my guinea eggs; have yet to taste a turkey egg because the fox or racoon tends to get to them first.

There is a little brown quail running about that wants to hang out with my flock but my tom isn't having it. He's a grouch. Poor girl lost her mate and is lonely, I think.
They taste like a chicken egg maybe a little richer. 1 coturnix egg has more nutrition than a chicken egg so by mass, many times better for you.
They taste like a chicken egg maybe a little richer. 1 coturnix egg has more nutrition than a chicken egg so by mass, many times better for you.
I see that they are higher in saturated fat (due to the yolk:white ratio), which is okay, and also higher in HDL, B1, B2, and iron than chicken eggs and do not have LDL. Anything else? Accurate nutrition information can be elusive.

I don't think I'll be keeping quail any time soon, but it is still interesting to know!
I candled my remaining eggs today. Another cream legbar quit on me so I'm down to four. Fingers crossed they all make it out on Tuesday. I can see life in three of the Marans eggs, one is a quitter, two look clear, and the other two I can't tell anything. And my last dozen guineas are coming along like champs.
Hope your eggs hatch Tuesday. Mine should hatch Tuesday too fingers crossed
Only 6 Days in. Started with 24. Tossed 2 scrambles, looks like 3 others could have been made into omeletts as well. 5 are looking pretty dang clear, 4 are showing just enough to make me have hope for them. 10 have good veins with most of them showing movement. Now I just have to sit on my hands and avoid the urge to candle every day. Distracting myself by trying to find all the brooder parts in the mess of junk that fills my garage.

This is Flopsy. She is sitting on 10 eggs from our Black Jersey Giant flock. It is day 13 and all of her eggs are sired by Colonel Cluck, our gentlemanly Rooster. This is our first attempt at hatching eggs and you can see that she has plucked a lot of the feathers from her undercarriage to have better contact with her clutch.

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