August 2016 Hatch-A-Long

Day 10 update

So far the new Rite Farm 3600 incubator is performing very well.  It is keeping the temperature very stable and consistent.  We just completed our day 10 candling session.  Out of the original thirty eggs set, twelve eggs were pulled for fertility issues or quitters.  A little disappointing, but we will soldier on with the remaining 18 eggs.  

Hope everyone else is having good success with their August hatches.  Here's to fuzzy butts by September!  :thumbsup
Good luck! Mine are due around the same time, I have 9 productions in the bator, What are you hatching?
So because of the weeper I candled and tossed all the clears today. I have 8 that are looking good developmentaly, but 3 of these have funky really misshapen air cells. It makes me worry for hatch out and it's still 12 days away
So because of the weeper I candled and tossed all the clears today. I have 8 that are looking good developmentaly, but 3 of these have funky really misshapen air cells. It makes me worry for hatch out and it's still 12 days away

Same here with my Marans
I'm afraid they will collapse in and I'll never get my Marans!
I have some with misplaced air cells I put them in a paper egg carton. I will leave them in carton and hope for the best.I know they are alive. I go in to lock down tomorrow night. Can't wait!

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