August 2016 Hatch-A-Long

They are 14 days in. Serama usually hatch day 19-20. The EE should take the typical 21.

Ah, mine are also day 14 but are Marans. In my experience, they should be fine. Last time it happened was also around day 14 and they hatched right around on time, no defects. They were Bantams and guineas, as that is what I normally hatch. My Bantams hatch day 19 as well.
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Can I join in? First time incubating here, always let broodies do the job before. I set eggs on 8/5, so due date on oh… 8/26, give or take. Candled on day 7 and removed one blood ring and had 10 developing. 10 others seemed to be clear, but I will candle tonight (day 10) to confirm.

I hope that your hatch goes well. I set backyard mix eggs the same week. Mine will be due to hatch on August 26th.
sleepy little baby
I hope that your hatch goes well. I set backyard mix eggs the same week. Mine will be due to hatch on August 26th.
I hope we will both have great news on the 26th!! Today is day 14, so I will candle tonight with my boys and mark the air cells. One more week!!

I should have been hatching barnyard mix eggs, too, but it was perfect timing for me to get these eggs vs having them shipped. I hope it goes well. Kinda a confident nervous wreck here.

To top it all off, 16 chicks just arrived from Sandhill yesterday. Only part of my initial order, and some extras. It is way past my est ship date and the date I had indicated that I could receive chicks, so I thought it was a bust for this year. That's how the whole incubator and fancy egg thing started, to replace the order that never came through. I'm going to be up to my ears in chicks!!
Candled the quail on day 9 for fertility. Removed 2 clears and arraigned a row of 6 possible quitters in the turner for easy id.

Will recandle at lockdown. So far at least I can say that fertility across the board is excellent.

Out of 74 originally set eggs 6 were removed, 2 cracked 2 rotten and 2 infertile. The cracked and r ottens are unknown so worst case 8 of 70 were infertile. Those 70 eggs represent 4 different community breeding pens.
Pharaoh and A&M
88% fertility if the quitters are indeed infertile, 97% if they are quitters.
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I set the incubator up for final lockdown I have 8 that I know are good because I can see toes moving and 1 that is probably a quitter, I hate tossing them so I'm gonna give it until tonight and re candel it. Tonight is lockdown I can't belive I made it!!!

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