August 2016 Hatch-A-Long

That sucks. Had it happen before I had to use hand warmers to keep eggs warm. Hope it comes back on soon!

Thanks, it came back on after 40 minutes. I was only worried about the elevated humidity, it hung at 80 but i lifted the lid as soon as power came back on to drop it quicker.
I have 13 chicks and 1 still in incubator that needs more time. I had to help 3 out 2 didn't make it. The one still in I'm helping. My humidity dropped and now they are stuck. One chick had to have 2 boots but is doing ok. Hope thing go better next month. How's everyone else doing?
I'm about to go into lockdown, yesterday i candeled and it looked like I may have had a late quiter but I wasn't 100% sure so I'm gonna check it again today or tomorrow before lockdown, I may only end up with 8.
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It is day 20 and Flopsy is doing a great job guarding her clutch. We are excited for this weekend!
So as if this hatch wasn't going bad enough already we have house guests and things have been kinda hectic. The incubator plug got bumped and the heat went out. I 'think' it was out about 2 hours, possibly as many 3 or 4. Temp was in the low 80's when I found it. Been to occupied with people to candle them since. I'm hoping to candle tonight after people go home. Hopefully there was no real harm done. Crossing fingers.
Candled as soon as people left. 4 eggs had movement. The other 3 maybe moved but it could have been contents shifting in the eggs. Even the 4 that definitely moved weren't dancing to the light like they did a couple days ago. Hopefully they just need a little time to recover.
Well my hatch is over I have 14 chicks. Last one out had to have help and one boot. It doesn't have a lot of fuzz so the other chick have been jumping on it to the point of making it bleed so now it's out on its own. (With me)Really not sure about what I should do it has to go back with everyone else soon.(can't sleep with a chick LOL) Any ideas?
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Well my hatch is over I have 14 chicks. Last one out had to have help and one boot. It doesn't have a lot of fuzz so the other chick have been jumping on it to the point of making it bleed so now it's out on its own. (With me)Really not sure about what I should do it has to go back with everyone else soon.(can't sleep with a chick LOL) Any ideas?

How big is your brooder? Can you partition of an area for it?

So as if this hatch wasn't going bad enough already we have house guests and things have been kinda hectic. The incubator plug got bumped and the heat went out. I 'think' it was out about 2 hours, possibly as many 3 or 4. Temp was in the low 80's when I found it. Been to occupied with people to candle them since. I'm hoping to candle tonight after people go home. Hopefully there was no real harm done. Crossing fingers.

Hope far along are they?

Something similar happened to me today. I guess the power went out at some point so my incubator shut off (it actually has a power button you have to push to turn it back on). I'm not sure how long it was off...Could be up to 6 hours. This is not the first time I've had it happen though and the eggs were fine.

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