Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

haha ok. But yes plenty of Ph over here.
As with Sumatra, there are some here, BUT...they are illegal so if you do go searching for them I would advise not to buy them.

I didn't realise that. I found them on & assumed that all the breeds listed were found & legal in Australia.
CJ88 funny story! Beautiful bubbies!

Zoii so sorry to read of your loss

for a successful hatch on Friday; looking forward to the pictures

Yesterday’s news from Bambrook Bantams ……

Got the lawns mowed yesterday, killed some weeds and washed and polished the car; going to have a bit of a ‘potter’ day today, a bit of this and a bit of that but nothing too strenuous. Definitely going to spend some time with my gals. The weather is so beautiful at present. Got a bacon, cheese and garlic loaf in the bread mixer .. mmmm, yum!

A juvenile Myna bird flew into the run extension with Tina and the Jelly Beans. Tina went ballistic! She was screeching and attacking and the beans were hiding. She herded it to the wire where the aunties were on the other side, trying to attack it also. The Myna’s parents joined in; what a ruckus! The juvenile managed to get away and did not appear to be hurt. I was concerned that the beans were caught up in the melee and injured but everyone was OK. While the noise and possible injury to the beans had my adrenaline pumping it was nice to see the aunties defending the little flock also.

Did I have some fun later in the afternoon yesterday. Cilla went into the nest box to lay an egg but she was in there for a very long time so I thought I had better check on her. I picked her up and the egg she laid dropped from her skirts to the ground and broke. Her eggs have a knack of getting caught up. Anyways, popped her on the ground and wandered off to keep sweeping. Cilla went straight back to the nest box and started looking for the egg! Popped her on the ground again and straight back she went. On the way back to the nest box she was picking on LuLu. Oh No! Cilla is going broody!! I have nowhere to put her to break her as Blondie has the broody box! I locked her out of the coop and run but she was trying to pick on the beans through the wire and was giving LuLu a hard time. Plan B, put her back in the run, by herself and block off the nest box. Trying to block off the nest box from Cilla when she is determined is a challenge; she knocked down wooden dividers etc. She was also trying to break into Tina’s nest and I knew this would definitely upset Tina and the beans at bedtime.

Bedtime came along and after Tina and the beans had gone to bed I locked LuLu and Dusty in the run/coop and Cilla on the outside. The plan being that once LuLu and Dusty had gone to bed and it was dark enough I would pop Cilla on the roost. Good plan but Cilla did not want to get with the plan! .. Finally, at 8pm last night she stayed on the roost after 2 hours of jumping down, in the dark, to the nest box.

It was reasonably cool overnight and when I woke up this morning Cilla was in the run and I have just checked again and she is not in the nest box. While I know that I have not broken her overnight and she is probably going to try again once the day warms up please send me positive thoughts that I can break her broodiness!

I only have 5 gals .. Tina with her 2 jelly beans, Blondie on 5 eggs with just over a week to go and Cilla, LuLu and Dusty. To accommodate everyone's present mood/condition, I already have the coop/run split into 3 sections .. I really need to break Cilla as I have no intentions of or any idea how to split it into 4 just to accommodate 5!! lol
Gosh, Telia...I had to break just one "We never go broody" Isas and that was hard enough sectioning off parts of the run and nesting boxes. Four sounds like a nightmare!

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