Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

Teila are you blaming the crows for RodneyRooster's lost eggs because they woke you too early this morning? HeHe. I think i am also super careful with the coop door RR & have still come home from work to chooks who have had an awesome day out unsupervised. Yep, we feel bad! that we're not perfect. Great news though that its only a little disaster & looking forward to your BIG event!

Thanks Bethan. My chooks free range all day while im not here and have never had a problem, foxes arent as active during the day and between my 2 protective roosters and the dog I figure theyre pretty safe against most threats. Always lock them in at night though. Normally... :-(

So i had a little looksie at the eggs when miss vonte got up for her scratch earlier (from afar of course) and no sign of zipping from the upward facing sides that i could see. Couldnt see if there was pipping visible from that distance. So doubtful much will happen today. Hopefully when i wake up in the morning or get home from work tomoro i will see/hear some chicks! But still checking wherever i can today :)
More cutesy duckling photos for those who like that sort of thing.
They are a little bit cute even to a cynical old ******* like me.
Babies don't seem to care what species they are - all get along perfectly.
Absolutely adorable babies!!
Fancychooklady .... I am not at all certain that having chicken pox as a child - which gives immunity to that particular herpes virus ( varicella-zoster, also known as herpes-zoster ) ... will automatically lead to getting shingles if a person comes in contact with another person with shingles. I mean, I have had both - chicken pox and shingles, but I hear you saying that if I come in contact with someone with shingles now, I could ' catch ' the shingles ? .... I don't think it quite works that way.
You're right, it doesn't work that way. Shingles is reactivation from old virus in your own body - you don't catch shingles anew.
Fancychooklady .... I am not at all certain that having chicken pox as a child - which gives immunity to that particular herpes virus ( varicella-zoster, also known as herpes-zoster ) ... will automatically lead to getting shingles if a person comes in contact with another person with shingles.   I mean, I have had both - chicken pox and shingles, but I hear you saying that if I come in contact with someone with shingles now, I could ' catch ' the shingles ?  .... I don't think it quite works that way.  

I will ask my doctor next time I see him, about that --- it is an interesting discussion. 

From what I have read, the vaccine  is indeed new, and it's a good thing too - it wasn't available in 'my day'. !!   We went with all the childhood disease, measles, mumps, chicken pox and german measles ( rubella ) - we weathered it, and produced immunity to them.   Good for boys to get a dose of the mumps, as if they contract it later on in life, having never had it as a child, then they can be in all kinds of trouble - especially as it will swell and cause pain in ( usually ) one testicle.  It can also lead to a drop in fertility in the adult male.  I think it's extremely rare that it causes outright sterility.     

We were a lot tougher in the old days !!   :yesss:

Cheers --- 

Chickenpox is the primary virus and shingles is the secondary. Just the bodies response to the same virus. So if as a child you never contracted chickenpox and you come in contact with the virus , whether it be chickenpox or shingles you will get chickenpox. If you had chickenpox as a child you will contract shingles.
Chickenpox is the primary virus and shingles is the secondary. Just the bodies response to the same virus. So if as a child you never contracted chickenpox and you come in contact with the virus , whether it be chickenpox or shingles you will get chickenpox. If you had chickenpox as a child you will contract shingles.

Agreed .... pretty much what I was saying. Chicken pox ( if contracted in childhood ) can resurface as shingles in later life. One cannot contract chicken pox, twice.

I just took a lot longer to say it all !!!

Interesting subject.

Ciao .....

Was playing with the new camera prior to my son using it while away

White rose is an Ice Burg not sure of the bottom one

Snow pea

love the Macro setting

Beautiful photographs IamSamSam

Love using macro myself. .... chasing bees and bugs, in flowers. And the florals themselves.

The monochrome pics of your chickens are fantastic .... and the bee in ( whatever that flower is - a grevillia ??? ) - wonderful.

Here is just one I took of a busy little bee, a week or so back ( all the azaleas and rhodies have died off now - they don't remain long do they

..... and when in full bloom ... a colourful array : ( all droopy and dying off now too ).

Cheers ......
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