Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

Potato chip, I had crows annoying the girls today too. There was one on lookout whilst the other one was stealing food from their dispenser. That didn't go down well with them.

Well, I heard back from City Chicks hatchery tonight. I asked about making sure he'd go to a good home, as I was worried he'd get the chop, and he's such a sociable, people friendly roo. The owner said she had a family looking for a rooster exactly like Iris, which has cheered me up a little, knowing he already has a family to go to. I'm grateful, and they're a good hatchery. It's still tough, and there'll be lots more crying I'm sure, and I know my little pekin Esme will miss him as they've been inseparable, but it's good to know he'll be with people who want him. God I never want to have to go through this again. Well, once all is said and done I will at least have Esme's first egg to look forward too, first eggs are always exciting. Tomorrow though I am definitely digging post holes for the new coop, since I'm on break this week.
I guess Iris will get a new name when she goes to her new digs. Although you'll miss him, he'll have girlfriends and I bet he'll like being a 'stud'.
I managed to get everyone to a safe hutch under the cover of darkness. Such cuties.
Sprayed the SLW and their coop again. Didn't see any mites . :)
Thanks Fancy! I have full grown ladies (young but full grown) so they should be able to hold their own when it comes to crows
My little girls are fine and they were only 9 and 12 weeks when I got them, they can run pretty fast..... Baby chicks might not be able to get away if someone tried to grab them.
I guess Iris will get a new name when she goes to her new digs. Although you'll miss him, he'll have girlfriends and I bet he'll like being a 'stud'.

Yeh, I guess he'll get a new name, hopefully one that suits more than 'Iris' does for him, not that he minds I think :) The big sook along with Ada and Annabelle got soaked in the storm today, I had to blow dry them. Despite initial protests, all three of them ended up liking the hair dryer. Stuff like that I'll mention, and all his fave treats for the hatchery owner to pass on to his new family. I hope he'll have some nice ladies that don't scare him, he's still wary of Annabelle poor boy. He'll be so handsome though when fully mature. I can pick out another hen if I want( I'll get them to double check before I go), depends on what they have if I decide to or not.

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